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Never mind the 45 calibers, im an idiot, 45s are 458, I think that's too big to push out a 452-454 barrel.....don't know what I was thinking. This spanish case idea needs to work.crap.


Measurements on .43 Reformado cartridge

Cartridge OAL  3.14

Case length  2.233

Bullet at case neck  .44

Rim diameter  .643

Base above rim  .522

Case neck at bullet  .475

Rim thickness  .083



.43 Reformado.jpg


Chikasaw, talked to an Oregon gunsmith yesterday, gonna send her in for a barrel,chamber reaming...said with the heavy barrel and length and the. Hamber measurements so close to 50, he could bore it out to 50-70,90 or even 110 if I get crazy!!!!! I'm thinking about going crazy, I done the 70 and the 90....never had a 110..Also I was at the place where I got the gun telling my tale of woe about the crazy caliber, and my buddy said hold on, this ought to make me feel better and hooked me up with this new RP receiver!!!! Heck ya, already Makin plans







A fun project! Success depends on your tolerance for recoil.  Never a problem for me when I was younger.  These days when I shoot African calibers and similar I use a sissy pad.  45-70 no prob - 45-110, what the heck, I'd still give it a try!  Onward!


I gotta figure out what type this is number? And what that little screw in chamber thing is, and why is the opening so small,lol......gonna have to get a new screw thingy to fit a bigger bullet.....and all ypu old men, leave it alone, it's just gun talk!!-😄


Well, I was about to say "Ooo... Re-chamber?  Re-line?  Re-barrel?  Live with it...?  So many choices!"


Good direction you've chosen.  Not cheap, but gonna be worth it.


A bit of a tale from the past:  The late Bean Pot of the Kings River Regulators had a reeeally ugly RB (Reformado) - it had actually survived a fire, and between the scorching and rust wouldn't even have made a decent wallhanger. 


But it could shoot!


Hank, also late of the KRR, undertook it as a project with Bean Pot.  After slugging the barrel, they procured a suitable mold and cast a bunch of bullets.  A batch of .43 Spanish brass was easily blown out with a session of "back-yard fire-forming."  


All in all, a pretty simple process ~ and Bean Pot actually used it to win his next long-range match!  ^_^












Based on your chamber cast and the cartridge dimensions I posted earlier the rifle is chambered in 43 Spanish and not Reformado.

1 hour ago, Sedalia Dave said:

Based on your chamber cast and the cartridge dimensions I posted earlier the rifle is chambered in 43 Spanish and not Reformado.


I'm inclined to agree - the oversized (.451 - .452) bore notwithstanding.  Anecdotal accounts of varying .43 Spanish chamber and bore dimension variances are legion.


The .43 Spanish is a bottleneck cartridge; the Reformado was essentially a .43 Spanish with the shoulder "blown out" to the larger caliber, largely eliminating the bottleneck - sorta like the .30-30 / .38-55.:  Ornery's cast clearly illustrates the shoulder.


                  .43 Spanish over .43 Spanish Reformado



                                    .30-30 compared to .38-55         





I wish Ornery a world of luck and fun with this project; that said, if'n it wuz me, I'd start out "making it work."  Actually, that's what I did with mine, initially by re-forming .348 Winchester brass into .43 Spanish.  Later, I found factory brass and used that.


Danged thing was surprisingly accurate and a hoot to shoot - but it printed well over a foot high at a hundred yards with the li'l pointy front sight..  So, I soldered a  ramp and tall globe sight just behind the original - easily removed if I (or anyone else) ever want to "restore" it.  


Well hell!  It's been prob'ly twenty years... reckon I'll just have to dig it out, dust if off, and fire it up.  'Specially since a bag o' .43 Spanish brass just showed up recently in the mail ~ thankee, Palouse!  ^_^


Well, since I got some 43 spanish brass on the way, I'm gonna take her out and fire a few,  got a few 454 bullets that can ,maybe, be loaded into the spanish (after fireform). But with the barrel slugging at 454 I think I need at least that.if she shoots with this load,I will just keep it like it is! She already has a beautiful long range tang sight and a globe front

8 hours ago, ORNERY OAF said:

Well, since I got some 43 spanish brass on the way, I'm gonna take her out and fire a few,  got a few 454 bullets that can ,maybe, be loaded into the spanish (after fireform). But with the barrel slugging at 454 I think I need at least that.if she shoots with this load,I will just keep it like it is! She already has a beautiful long range tang sight and a globe front


Paper patch 'em, if ya need to~!  ^_^


But, depending on the alloy, they just may "upset" enough to fill the bore nicely.   :)


good idea. Never thought about paper patch. But im.leaning hard towards 50- 90

On 8/24/2024 at 7:19 PM, ORNERY OAF said:

Chikasaw, talked to an Oregon gunsmith yesterday, gonna send her in for a barrel,chamber reaming...said with the heavy barrel and length and the. Hamber measurements so close to 50, he could bore it out to 50-70,90 or even 110 if I get crazy!!!!! I'm thinking about going crazy, I done the 70 and the 90....never had a 110..Also I was at the place where I got the gun telling my tale of woe about the crazy caliber, and my buddy said hold on, this ought to make me feel better and hooked me up with this new RP receiver!!!! Heck ya, already Makin plans






Forgot to ask, before I go over to remigton society, does anyone know what type receiver this is???? Type 1 or 2,3 #5????? I've no idea, already looking at build parts

1 hour ago, ORNERY OAF said:

Forgot to ask, before I go over to remigton society, does anyone know what type receiver this is???? Type 1 or 2,3 #5????? I've no idea, already looking at build parts


Aren't you going to have the original barrel re-bored?  :huh:


It IS a right handsome barrel!  :)


Hardpan, I'm gonna try some 43 spanish but have all but decided to have it rebored.....chickasaw is right, I got a receiver last weekend, just a receiver,no barrel,stock or anything...gonna bud her up from scratch!!


Got the 43 spanish cases from track of the wolf, they are a no go,won't chamber. Seems about a hundredth or so too long, or maybe the rim is a little thick. Won't fully seat. Brand new brass. Not gonna fool with it anymore, Tuesday, she is going for a re-bore/chamber! 50-90. 




6 hours ago, ORNERY OAF said:

Got the 43 spanish cases from track of the wolf, they are a no go,won't chamber. Seems about a hundredth or so too long, or maybe the rim is a little thick. Won't fully seat. Brand new brass. Not gonna fool with it anymore, Tuesday, she is going for a re-bore/chamber! 50-90. 




While I’ve never loaded a cartridge like that, I’ve found that even new brass needs to be sized first. Have you tried that?

The new .44-40 brass I get from Starline has a neck that’s more of a suggestion than anything and nowhere near to spec. Starline says to size first. 

Is the case length to spec and/or would trimming make a difference?




Case oal is pretty spot on, I think the rim is thick, no biggie, I'm sending her out to get rebored


They are gonna rebore and rifle it. Oregunsmith, in, well,oregon....I've read tons of good stuff about him, pretty long turn around which means he is in demand. Full report when she gets back all fixed up, also bought a skinner rear ladder as she got no rear besides the long range tang.




local fun shop had another RB so I snagged it. Again unknown caliber BUT it has 38 stamped under the barrel, ser#matching on barrel and tang,10962,  beautiful gun...who ever said these are addictive wasn't lying, I'm just enjoying discovering all the different types. I'm really hoping this one is 38-55....gonna slug bore and stuff tomorrow. 





It's a problem Hardpan, I can't help it....upon further web reading it's looks to be a #2 in 38-40 , never had a 38-40 and I think I even ha e brass for it, gonna root for it and see if it fits. This may be a cool little rifle


Nope, 38-40 won't come close, I think the barrel has been sleeved...fantastic,lol..


Could it be a .38-55?  That'd be WAY cool, too.  :)


Do you have a cartridge you could test with?  If not, try slipping a .30-30 shell into the chamber, just to see if the base seems to fit.  Might be an indication; as that's the "parent case" for the .38-55, it could point you in that direction.  :rolleyes:


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