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SASS Wire Forum

Don't Forget. Early Last Call Tonight @ 10 pm EDT!

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Eastern? What in the world are they doing Eastern for? They're in California. Do it on California time. 10:00 p.m. California time is midnight. I'll be in bed. I don't care. Eastern??

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Anything after 9 eastern will not matter to me. See y'all tomorrow (or not) depending on how things go. I have no faith in tech companies doing stuff for clients who know no tech.

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9 minutes ago, Alpo said:

Eastern? What in the world are they doing Eastern for? They're in California. Do it on California time. 10:00 p.m. California time is midnight. I'll be in bed. I don't care. Eastern??


SASS wisely bailed outta california over twenty years ago....  B)

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1 minute ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:


SASS wisely bailed outta california over twenty years ago....  B)

They got the lead out?

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8 minutes ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:


SASS wisely bailed outta california over twenty years ago....  B)


6 minutes ago, John Kloehr said:

They got the lead out?

Yes, at the end of EOT 2004. Pretty sure the gate hit none of them on the (butt).

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24 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:


Yes, at the end of EOT 2004. Pretty sure the gate hit none of them on the (butt).


Sassparilla Kid and I wuz at that EOT... 🙂

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Ya’s got twenty minutes!!


Get it done while you can!!

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It’s 11:32 and everythAj49_)"skdfNbvuh45~xnz87 zdg%LK4& @98P?..
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I guess it didn’t happen. 

Personally, I am not impressed with the folks that provide this forum under contract to SASS. I wasn’t as a Mod and definitely not as a user. 

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2 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

I guess it didn’t happen. 

Personally, I am not impressed with the folks that provide this forum under contract to SASS. I wasn’t as a Mod and definitely not as a user. 


I couldn't sleep last night and got up about midnight until 1:30 am, the SASS forums were not accessible then so they must have done something.



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Hey @Pat Riot,
If they did a maintenance, they didn't fix the "your images have been merged" issue.


Hey @Pat Riot,
If they did a maintenance, they didn't fix the "your images have been merged" issue.153355_flashstorm_seeing-double.png.c1e37b8f615ad74eb79aad5f3cbd192a.png

Hey @Pat Riot,
If they did a maintenance, they didn't fix the "your images have been merged" issue.


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Bet they didn't give us more room in PMs either!

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