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Sold TTN shotgun springs and front bead

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Looks like what TTN sent along with the shotgun in the earliest days.  I think the springs are lighter than the ones that came on the gun.  Then later they just started shipping the guns with the larger bead and the lighter springs installed.  Too bad, because the extras were good for spares!

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1 hour ago, Will Kane said:

It sure would be nice if the springs were to become available from the current 1878 manufacturer via Cimarron.

That has been a problem on most of the shotguns they have imported, but since the '78 is the longest lasting of them, you'd think they could get parts. I know there are a few aftermarket parts available, but no mainsprings.


...and no buttstocks!  Dragon Hill Dave's is literally falling apart, but it still works! :)

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