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Heat + boredom + stupid = $?# Still stupid but have an update

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Supposed to be 110+ for the next few days and it is boring sitting around the house.  So today I decided to make the 40 mile trek from my house to the opposite side of Phoenix to visit the local Sheels.  Lots of fun things to look at and really do not need anything BUT they were having a 20% off sale on everything from Frankford Arsenal.  I have been curious about the X-10 progressive press and once I figured in the 5% veterans discount on top of the 20% sale price I went ahead and bought one just to play with it.  That sucker is cast iron and I had to have help getting it into the car.  Once I got it home and into the loading room the realization sank in that not only did I not need it but I also have no where to mount it without getting rid of a Dillon press or two.  Right now it is sitting on the floor with all kinds of bright shiny little dohickies and thingabobs calling to me.  I also saw a gun I have been reading about and thinking about buying one to do an article for the Chronicle.  Do not need another gun either.  Especially since I will just photograph it, tune it and then sell it at a loss to someone that does need it.


The box and what it is supposed to look like set up.






Haha, recently ran into a great deal on a used press with all the trimmings. I told the guy, "I'd love to but I have no place to put it!" Benches are full up!


We all end up with stuff we don’t need. Now you have a new toy to play with enjoy!


I'd be glad to help you with offloading a Dillon so you can mount your new press. 

14 hours ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

Supposed to be 110+ for the next few days and it is boring sitting around the house.  So today I decided to make the 40 mile trek from my house to the opposite side of Phoenix to visit the local Sheels.  Lots of fun things to look at and really do not need anything BUT they were having a 20% off sale on everything from Frankford Arsenal.  I have been curious about the X-10 progressive press and once I figured in the 5% veterans discount on top of the 20% sale price I went ahead and bought one just to play with it.  That sucker is cast iron and I had to have help getting it into the car.  Once I got it home and into the loading room the realization sank in that not only did I not need it but I also have no where to mount it without getting rid of a Dillon press or two.  Right now it is sitting on the floor with all kinds of bright shiny little dohickies and thingabobs calling to me.  I also saw a gun I have been reading about and thinking about buying one to do an article for the Chronicle.  Do not need another gun either.  Especially since I will just photograph it, tune it and then sell it at a loss to someone that does need it.


The box and what it is supposed to look like set up.





I had the same problem with space and to many presses and I found this company called Inline Fabrication.com and he has a Quick change ultramount system, and you can change to a different press in minutes. He makes great quality products and fast shipping, I have quit a few of his products and they have been all high quality! 


Since I have a dedicated man cave for my presses I don’t need to replace one with another in order to use it, here is my question.

What do you do with the non-used press when you have the other set up? Is it stored in a closet, leaned up in a corner, out in the shed…?

Actually kinda curious 


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

15 minutes ago, Von Dutch, SASS # 7995 said:

I had the same problem with space and to many presses and I found this company called Inline Fabrication.com and he has a Quick change ultramount system, and you can change to a different press in minutes. He makes great quality products and fast shipping, I have quit a few of his products and they have been all high quality! 


I love their quick change strong mount.  Allows me to use one strong mount for 2 presses and 2 lubrasizers. Saved me a lot of bench space.







7 minutes ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

Since I have a dedicated man cave for my presses I don’t need to replace one with another in order to use it, here is my question.

What do you do with the non-used press when you have the other set up? Is it stored in a closet, leaned up in a corner, out in the shed…?

Actually kinda curious 


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid


They make a storage dock. They have both wall mountable and bench edga mountable versions.


Inline Fabrications line of strong mounts and accessories puts Dillon to shame.





Thanks, my situation (4 benches around the outside walls), my 550 is mounted to one end of a bench, the 750 (sp) on the other, the 650 (lp) on the back bench and the MEC 9000 on the side bench. This leaves one other for cleaning and tinkering. SWMBO stays out (she has her own room) and we both stay happy!:)

As is I would have no place to set another press other than having it mounted on a bench. 


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:
Gateway Kid


I have several pieces of Inline Fabrications equipment.  The changable docks work fine for single stage or small presses.  However, with something like a fully loaded 650 or 1050 it is not practical to move them around or try to hang them on the wall.








I have 5 presses (one is a Redding turret with 6 heads) all of which I store on Inline Fabrications Storage docks when not using.  Wonderful products. 

32 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

I have several pieces of Inline Fabrications equipment.  The changable docks work fine for single stage or small presses.  However, with something like a fully loaded 650 or 1050 it is not practical to move them around or try to hang them on the wall.








For my larger items, I have them mounted to a square base with the same footprint as my strong mount. That way I can unbolt it and slide it out of the way. I use a threaded insert in the bench top so I don't have to reach under and access a nut. The also don't come loose like t-nuts do.


Got mine at Amazon. They also make a 3/8" version.


E-Z LOK - 901420-13 E-Z Lok Threaded Insert, Zinc, Hex-Flanged, 1/4"-20 Internal Threads,


 I am down to nine Sold my RCBS Big Fifty and my Old Herters Turret press and 30 shell holders and Dies. and still need to thin the reloading room stuff.

On 6/4/2024 at 6:50 PM, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

  I also saw a gun I have been reading about and thinking about buying one to do an article for the Chronicle.  Do not need another gun either.  Especially since I will just photograph it, tune it and then sell it at a loss to someone that does need it.




I just tuned up one of those guns. It turned out to be very nice!


I am bench poor according to what I am reading here. I only have 1 bench and the 650 is on the left end and the Mec9000e is on the other end. I then have the Lee loading stand that I use for my 4 hole Lee turret and my single stage Lee. I have them on their own plate so they can be moved about. 



1 hour ago, Texas Maverick said:

I am bench poor according to what I am reading here. I only have 1 bench and the 650 is on the left end and the Mec9000e is on the other end. I then have the Lee loading stand that I use for my 4 hole Lee turret and my single stage Lee. I have them on their own plate so they can be moved about. 




I am as well. 6' of bench. My entire loading building is 6'6" wide and 10' 6" long. Bench on one end. Wire rack with 7 shelves on the other. Just enough space to turn around if I'm careful.


Using the Inline Fabrication quick change system I can swap between 2 presses and 2 lube sizers. I have the strong mount set up so I can move it to the side and replace it with a MEC SizeMaster.  Move everything to the side when I fire up my casting pot.


Well. you could add a room on your place and build a nice bench. Make sure to add air conditioning tho!

1 hour ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:


Better hope you do not drop anything. :lol:

 Thank God for those reach extenders. :D


The mounting bolts are inside the base.  So you cannot do anything with the press (like attaching the operating handle) until it is mounted. I decided to order the Inline Fabrication mounting plate so I could mess with the press before permanently mounting the press.  The Inline base plate gives the press a much larger footprint and with the thing weighing a LOT it is quite steady just sitting on the bench.  One of the original inside mounting bolts is visible in this photo of the mounting plate.  With the plate new bolts can be inserted with the press assembled.





The press uses a lot of ball bearings and is very smooth but has a longer stroke than a Dillon 650/750.










Damn, that's a fine looking press,


I just keep repeating to myself "It won't fit in my RV". 

This little phase has saved me plenty of money and some embarrassing performance anxiety in the loading room ! 


Finally got everything fitted and adjusted.  It actually works fairly well just sitting on the counter.  After I have used it a bit I will decide whether to retire one of my Dillons.  Here it is sitting on the counter.  A nice but almost useless accessory for SASS is the integrated bullet feeder.  It only comes in action pistol calibers, i.e., 9mm, .38 Super, .40 S&W and .45 ACP.  That is it.  Cowboy rounds are too long.  I often shoot .38 Short Colt in my Ruger Montados as the ejector is too short to eject .38 Specials.  So I used the 9mm feeder and spent a bit of time making it work with the Short Colt.  If I decide to load .38 Specials or .357 I will use the Frankfort bullet feeding collator but use a Mr. Bullet Feeder dropper.






The bullet feeder is unique in that it drops the bullet and seats it in one operation.  On the Mr. Bullet feeder bullet drop and seating are two separate operations.  The feeder has a calibrated seating stem so it can be set very accurately, especially with jacketed bullets which is what it is designed for.  I am using coated lead bullets and it seems to be working OK so far.  The die just to the right of the feeder is the crimp die.




The last thing to go in is the RCBS Lock Out die.  I am waiting for some new plastic tips from RCBS.  It is a tight fit but will fit between the powder measure and bullet feeder.  One thing that is nice for us hearing aid users is the low primer warning is a beeper and it also flashes the built in light in the tool head.




Now the big question.  I have been using Dillon equipment for 40 years.  I have boxes of spare parts and Dillon is just down the road from my house.  How durable will the X-10 be?  EVERY press breaks sooner or later.  How easy will getting replacement parts be?  Will it wind up a boat anchor in Lake Pleasant?


The only complaint I have with you and your new press is…….
















your bench and reloading room are much to clean and organized.:D


Larsen, I'm having trouble with the crimp on my Dillion 550C for 44-40.

Will you come over and help a novice out ? Its going to be a Hundred here tomorrow - just like home !!  !!

I hope you get plenty of rounds out of the new press !!  Cheers !


Update.  I decided I want to try and save some benchtop space so I ordered an Inline Fabrications quick detach setup for the Dillon 1050 and the X-10.  Then I discovered something totally "obvious" but had not paid attention to when ordering the adapter plates.  My presses are all wired.  They have case feeders, bullet feeders and lights.  The wires have all been carefully bundled and run up through the benchtop and up onto the presses.  These quick detach things would be great for presses with no wiring and do not weigh as much as a small block Chevy engine.  I decided to go ahead and try moving the 1050 and putting it on a docking station and then moving the X-10 to the end of the benchtop and wire them so I could switch them back and forth.  The Dillon was heavy and quite a chore to get it off the bench and down to the floor so I could install the quick change base plate.  Then I tried moving the X-10.  This thing is HEAVY and picking it up, setting it on the floor and then lifting it back up was not in the cards for this old fart.  It is super stable on the Inline Fabrications flat mounting plate (not the quick change plate) so I just put a couple of bolts in to make sure I never pull it off the bench onto myself.  (The benchtop and powder coated mounting plate are slippery and the press can be slid around very easily.  It would not tip over while loading BUT it could be acidentally slid off the bench.)  Plus I had my doubts if the docking station could actually hold such a heavy press.  As noted previously the factory X-10 bullet feeder only works with short rounds.  E.g., 9mm and .45ACP.  No .38s or longer shells.  So I took the Mr. Bullet feeder off the 650 and machined a mounting bracket to attach it to the X-10 column in about the same location as the factory set up.  Observations so far.  Using the factory mechanized bullet feeder it would crank out a lot of 9mm.  Without the bullet feeder it will load longer shells and rifle ammo like any other large press but the number of shellplates is limited right now.  The shellplate and pretty much everything else runs on ball bearings and is super smooth.  How long it will stay super smooth is a question only time and thousands of rounds will tell.  For now I will continue to piddle around with it and decide if I should sell the old reliable 650 which is now sitting on top of a safe.  (The 650 I could lift up there with no problem.)


The 1050 next to the X-10.  The X-10 is huge and HEAVY.




The 1050 bullet feeder hangs off the side of the case feeder.




I made a bracket to mount a Mr. Bullet feeder directly to the X-10 column.




The 650 feeling lonely and depressed on top of a safe.




The Inline Fabrication quick change mounts are more that capable of handling any press you could mount on one.  The only issue I can see is how you mount the storage bracket(s) to your wall.  I opted to attach a horizontal 2X6 to the wall being sure to attach it to the studs with 4" deck screws. 1 screw near the top and one in the middle.  I then attached the storage bracket to the 2X6 using the provided hardware.   



PLUS ONE for Navy Davey !!!


I don't really "need" another 650 (Have several) but am interested in which new gun you're gonna be selling for reasonable????  I think I still have a spot in the safe  :rolleyes:

28 minutes ago, Colorado Coffinmaker said:


PLUS ONE for Navy Davey !!!


I don't really "need" another 650 (Have several) but am interested in which new gun you're gonna be selling for reasonable????  I think I still have a spot in the safe  :rolleyes:



Here's one I am tinkering with to see if it will make a good SASS shotgun.  It has been so hot I have not had a chance to try it in a match yet.  Right now the plan is to try it out at the Western Regional.






Ooooooo KOOL!!  Just can't have too many shotguns (Side by Side).  The hammers don't appear to be inna picture though :(


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