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Footwear for one legged shooter?


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I'm not trying to open up a can of worms, but I just want to make 100% sure this would be all right.  


I have a friend who recently lost his left leg, and he would like to shoot.  Here's the thing; he would have to shoot not wearing cowboy boots.  He's still getting used to his artificial leg and anything with a heal would throw off his balance.  


Maybe I missed something, but I don't recall anything in the rules about accommodations and exceptions for disabilities?  I would think that it would go without saying.  Thoughts please?


Thank you everyone and I hope it doesn't rain on your Memorial Day cookout!


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Posted (edited)

There is no requirement to wear Cowboy boots in any category except Classic Cowboy / Cowgirl and B-Western.


Tell your friend to wear footwear that provides him the best comfort and stability. Any Match director that would object needs to be sent packing.



Edited by Sedalia Dave
Added B-Western
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I shot in tennis shoes for two or more years after breaking both feet in a fall. A few people said things but were shut down by my pards right quick. 

NOBODY worth knowing will say a thing. Get him shooting. 

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This game is primarily about entertainment and having fun, safely.  Toward that end, we will do everything we can to accommodate any shooter's disability.


Boots are only required in the two costume categories.   We have shooters who need a walker, and those in wheelchairs, crutches, and canes.   One-armed shooters, double amputee shooters, and shooters with all sorts of implants.   All that's required is for the shooter to get to the range somehow.   If it can be arranged for the shooter to participate safely, we'll do it.

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There are all kinds of accommodations made for shooter's disabilities, it is up to the MD. Tell him what you have and he will take care of it. 

I have a colostomy right on my belt/waist line. The pouch is below it, so my shotgun belt is above my waist. I have never had a problem with MD's once I show tell and show them the situation.

Roger with pistol.jpg

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sounds to me like someone that all accommodations would be made for , ive yet to be at any shoot local or state that would hinder his participation and ill add that everywhere i shoot they would make sure he was welcome and looked to as needed , 


only thing ive not seen is a chair shooter and i have a friend thats in a chair but since he would rather shoot trap and sporting clays , its never gone past a discussion , 

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as an example, we have a shooter who has major memory problems due to COVID.  Can't remember the sweeps once the buzzer sounds.

we now have in place a rule that allows him to shoot at all target arrays in a Continuous Nevada Sweep no matter what the scenarios say.  He can remember this one sweep and use it throughout the entire match


still get nicked for misses but no longer Ps for out of order shooting.


There but for the Grace of God . . . 

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