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SPF Blued Old Vaquero 45 4.6"

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Blued Old Vaquero 45. LOVE this gun!  Best shooting of my Rugers but...I shoot 44s and just bought a 45 Stainless New Vaquero.

This is the large frame so you can load it hot for none CAS events. It also has a slightly longer cylinder so those 300+ grain bullets fit better...for none CAS shooting. Bought off the line from another cowboy. He had put in springs. Hammer block is still there. Otherwise stock but really easy to shoot and goes to point of aim with my loads perfectly.

I would keep it but I bought another gun.

$550 shipped from my FFL to yours. Pics should tell the tale.IMG_20240515_224058274.thumb.jpg.eaa0554b7101c6602cdd426817d9da97.jpg








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Is that lead on the barrel or defects?  Probably lead….

Sam Sackett 

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  • Doc Moses changed the title to WTS Blued Old Vaquero 45 4.6"
  • Doc Moses changed the title to SPF Blued Old Vaquero 45 4.6"


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