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Why I don't workout as often

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I always thought that doing a full body workout every day might be a bit too much of a good thing!



Think about it: your muscles need time to recover and grow stronger, but if you're working them out every day, they never really get a chance to catch their breath.

It's like a party animal who never takes a break from dancing – eventually, they'll start to stumble and fatigue. The same thing goes for your muscles: if you push them too hard, too often, they'll get tired and you won't get the results you're hoping for.

So, in short, it's probably better to spread out your full body workouts and give your muscles a little time to chill.

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So maybe once or twice a year:P, works for me!;)

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I used to work with a guy that competed in bodybuilding.


One day he was standing there with his arms folded across his chest. Now that made his left forearm be sitting on his right fist, which pushed his left forearm muscle up higher than it would normally be. Making him look more bulked then I was used to seeing.


So I says to him, I says, "John, you been working out?"


And he tells me that he has not been training. At the same time he uncross his arms and that big bulgie forearm went away and I realized the optical delusion I had seen.


But it was the term he used.


I, as a non-professional bodybuilder, "exercise". Or if I am trying to put on muscle, I "work out". John, however, as a professional bodybuilder, "trained".


I found that funny. You might not.

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Since I retired and found out that with Medicare Advantage I get free gym membership, I started working out. I hadn't done so since I got out of The Marines, 31 years previously. 

I started working out three days a week, then spread it out to five. Upper body Mon, Wed, Friday, legs Tues and Thursday. After a couple months of that, I decided to cut it down to Mon, Wed, and Friday, and just work everything those days. My workout has changed, but I still stick to that schedule. 

As a young Marine, I PTed nearly every day. And I drank nearly every night. I can't do either anymore. 

Now here's the really interesting part. I've met some other Old Guys at the gym, and my social life is better that it has ever been. I've actually got friends now. After we finish our workout, we sit and watch the women that are there, with the occasional "If I were twenty years younger" added in to the conversation, even though most of us are happily married and would NOT break that Vow.

We talk politics: we've actually solved many of the world's problems, if only "THEY" would listen to us. We go shooting, which I haven't done as much as I would have liked to do in years, and we've formed our own Grumpy Lunch Bunch, (yes, I stole the name from the Bunch here). 

All in all I have to say that the gym has been good for me, even if I haven't lost any weight, (I've actually GAINED weight), I HAVE added muscle and friends.

I may be broke, but I'm, happier than I have been in years. 

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I walk almost everyday, in nice weather I ride my bike. I also do some stretching exercises in the morning along with light hand weights, curls and arm presses. 

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Range of motion exercises, aerobics for my heart muscle, sudoku for my brain muscle.


If I don't vomit when I look at myself in the mirror, I'm OK.

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