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Taurus is back in the SAA business

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I just saw a youtube video about Taurus' new single action revolver, the Deputy. I know that Taurus gets a bit of dislike from some guys, but I'm just wondering if anybody's seen one of these yet. The guy in the video seems happy with it, who knows: maybe Taurus learned from their mistakes with the Gaucho. Gunbroker only has a couple, but they're under $500. 



I saw them listed on the Taurus website a while back. I have no knowledge of them though. 

Making Colt clones is very popular with all these different companies. Kind of like 1911s. 


I think the problem with Gauchos was more that Berretta bought Taurus and killed the Gaucho because it was competeing favorably with the Stampede , at the time. I have a pair of Gauchos that have done well for several years. 



1 hour ago, Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646 said:

I think the problem with Gauchos was more that Berretta bought Taurus and killed the Gaucho because it was competeing favorably with the Stampede , at the time. I have a pair of Gauchos that have done well for several years. 



I seem to remember that there were a lot of problems with the Gauchos. There were several threads on the Wire about them. It got to the point that guys were sending them to Taurus for warranty work and instead of repairing them, Taurus was giving refunds. 

While I don't need, (?) any more Cowboy guns, I'm still interested in these, just to see whether Taurus DID get it right this time. 


Why would you hate transfer bars?


I wonder how the action is? Colts and Uberti's out of the box are stiff as heck! He seemed to have a pretty easy time cocking it.


Admittedly my experience with the Stampede and the Gaucho is limited to one pair of each. The Taurus went back three times, light primer strikes, lots of lead shavings around the forcing cone and on return the second time an obviously loose barrel to receiver fit, on the third time they didn’t send the guns back, just a letter saying they would reimburse the purchase price or send a new pair. Pard took the money. 
The Stampedes went back twice, the second time gone for two months. Came back worse than when they went in. (Off center primer strikes, now almost at the edge of the primer, occasionally locked up for no apparent reason) 

Last I heard, pard still has them in the back of the safe 7 years later. 

:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:
Gateway Kid


Nice to know that an economical SAA might be available once we here in Canada can legally buy handguns again.

Norinco had it's 1897s and SxS Open hammer shotguns at entry level prices that encouraged new CAS shooters here, but the new laws only allow gangsters, home invaders and other types of thugs to own handguns right now.

Can't wait for October 22, 2025 

6 hours ago, Henry T Harrison said:

Why would you hate transfer bars?

Personal taste.  My first CAS pistols were Colt Cowboys.  I know, I know.  But it was what I could afford at the time, but I hated the hammer profiles and the placement of the triggers when not cocked and as soon as I could I went with two USFA Rodeos, which I really loved.  I have since progressed to Colt SAAs and Standard Manufacturing. 


I wish 'em well with this.  I recall Miss Eve Nenjoy had a pair of Gaucho's that were a mite problematic: for some reason, the base pins would stick.  It was almost as if they had swelled - weird!  :huh:


Now, about them transfer bars.  When my old pard Hank had a .45 Colt slip out of its holster and land on the hammer, I was so impressed by what it did to his leg that I went right out bought my first forty-five.  A Ruger.  With transfer bar.  They don't bother me one bit; all I have to do is remember visitin' ol' Hank in the hospital and watching him heal up for a couple of years.  It took the docs a week to decide that he might not lose that leg.

23 hours ago, Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646 said:

I think the problem with Gauchos was more that Berretta bought Taurus and killed the Gaucho because it was competeing favorably with the Stampede , at the time. I have a pair of Gauchos that have done well for several years. 



Taurus has always been owned by a Brazilian Company.


So far as transfer bars, each their own. Period. Some have no trouble; others like a more period correct approach. Personally I prefer them as well. Safety happens “between the ears” and no mechanism can supplement that but sometimes even I make mistakes and it’s good to know the gun can’t go off unless I’m making a conscious effort to hold that trigger all the way down.


As for the Taurus single action I can’t say but one of my favorite carry guns happens to be an older Rossi (Taurus cheapie) snub in .357 with a transfer bar type hammer stop. Only style of any handgun I’ll carry with a loaded chamber.


I’ll second trouble with the Beretta stampede tho! Had 2 and they were both off time and even my gunsmith told me to move on.


Certainly hope this new Taurus offering will bring another entry level option for new shooters!


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