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New Gun Laws starting January 1st in California

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Got to thinking about some of the last responses.  If the votes of a relative handful of leftist missionaries from California are enough to shift the balance of power in a conservative area it says more about the eligible voters of that area than about the former Californians.


It also says that that bastion of conservative thought just might not be as conservative as people think.

1 hour ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


And you are somehow a demographics specialist that is intimately aware of the political leanings, activism and desires of California's migrating population?




But what should I expect from somebody that uses a product (this forum) to continually trumpet ridiculous statements and foolishness without paying to support it (guest). 

15 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

you are somehow a demographics specialist that is intimately aware of the political leanings, activism and desires of California's migrating population?


As much a "demographics specialist" as those who, without supporting data, claim that everyone leaving California is a missionary for Marxist thought.




Interesting that in that article the study found that Texans moving within Texas were making sections of that state bluer.


Baaaa baaaa baàaaa calling all Kalifornia Democ-Rats too this post Baaaa baaàa baàaa 


The alarm call for all Democ-Rats is being rung Baaaaa baaàa baaàa :P

On 1/1/2024 at 3:43 PM, bgavin said:


30% of the Idaho panhandle voted for Biden.
I doubt those 30% are native Idahoans.


Historically, Northern Idaho (the panhandle) has always been more liberal (at least in the older sense of the term) than southern Idaho. There are various reasons, but the history of mining and the labor movements related to mining were big factors.


That is closer to you than to me, so I will take your word for it.
My understanding of the panhandle is militias and conservatives.


All the liberals/progressives/Democrats I meet, are such for a few reasons.
Sex - Drugs - Socialism
And a fourth... "orange man bad" (read:  the hive mind)




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