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5 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

WOW..... great representation from A LOT of states.


Great folks coming in from both near and far.    WELCOME Y'ALL.





If I counted correctly we have folks coming from 20 states so far!



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8 hours ago, Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 said:

If I counted correctly we have folks coming from 20 states so far!





Are you counting Capt BB as a Georgia resident or from Bucksnort?


And TW ain't really from Tennessee.   He's a happy resident in Hootersville.


..........Widder. (just trying to keep the record straight)




11 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:



Are you counting Capt BB as a Georgia resident or from Bucksnort?


And TW ain't really from Tennessee.   He's a happy resident in Hootersville.


..........Widder. (just trying to keep the record straight)




Just acause I like Hooters don't mean I'm from Hootersville. You aint from Liarvilletonboro are you?:o


Now that's funny if'n you can smell what I'm cooking.

1 hour ago, Tennessee williams said:

Just acause I like Hooters don't mean I'm from Hootersville. You aint from Liarvilletonboro are you?:o


Now that's funny if'n you can smell what I'm cooking.


Its actually called 'BigLiarsVilleBoro'.   When you graduate from BigLiars High School, you

are promoted to become a citizen of 'Hootersville'.





2 hours ago, Tennessee williams said:

Just acause I like Hooters don't mean I'm from Hootersville. You aint from Liarvilletonboro are you?:o


Now that's funny if'n you can smell what I'm cooking.


Thought he was from Marliaryville…


There's a rumor that the usual side matches are being replaced with a "Cicada Shoot".


Bonus points if you knock them out of the air.  Ten bonus points if you kill them.


Ten Gauge recommended.


Don’t forget Thursday the 30th is “Are You Tough Enough To Wear Pink “ day. We will be collecting money Thursday and all weekend for the American Cancer Society, please consider donating as we all have been or know someone who has been touched by cancer. If you wish to donate by check please make it out to the American Cancer Society.







Randy, you need some new pictures, those are starting to fade.


Well I don’t have an updated Shooters list but I heard Friday that we were at 214. Is shaping up to be a great crowd! Get your applications in soon if you haven’t already, we’ll start a waiting list at 225.





I’m not in any shape yet to be shooting, but I plan to be there on side match day to see Widder ‘n’ the youngsters shoot it out and catch up with a few friends.

8 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

I’m not in any shape yet to be shooting, but I plan to be there on side match day to see Widder ‘n’ the youngsters shoot it out and catch up with a few friends.


Brother Blackwater,

It will be great to seee  and visit with you for a spell.  Especially if you're on the mend

and can get around a little better.


As for me and the Young Guns, it may not be much of a shoot-out.  Those hombres are

good..... real good and real fast.    I lost a good bit of my edge after heart surgery and

covid stuff when I stopped shooting my 97 for a couple years.   At 'our' age, ya just don't

wake up in the morning with the 'stuff' ya had a few years back.


And don't believe that lying cousin-in-law of yours either.  He makes up stories

just to keep up his lie quotas..... :lol:


BUT... the SG side match should be very interesting because there are a handful of other

top notch shooters coming with their 97's, 87's and SxS.

And there is always that hot shot standing in the shadows the past couple years just

waiting to ambush everyone.


The odds of me besting anyone at the SG side match is about on par with you and me winning

a square dance contest on the Lawrence Welk show.  :lol:


Take care of yeowndangself..... and the next Pepsi is on me.




8 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

I’m not in any shape yet to be shooting, but I plan to be there on side match day to see Widder ‘n’ the youngsters shoot it out and catch up with a few friends.


I also have a suspicion that Red Knee went out and hired these 'fast guns' and

put another bounty on my head.   He's hoping that I'll give him Enchantress #4 after

I get whooped...... :lol:

#4 was his biggest nemesis.




7 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


Brother Blackwater,

It will be great to seee  and visit with you for a spell.  Especially if you're on the mend

and can get around a little better.


As for me and the Young Guns, it may not be much of a shoot-out.  Those hombres are

good..... real good and real fast.    I lost a good bit of my edge after heart surgery and

covid stuff when I stopped shooting my 97 for a couple years.   At 'our' age, ya just don't

wake up in the morning with the 'stuff' ya had a few years back.


And don't believe that lying cousin-in-law of yours either.  He makes up stories

just to keep up his lie quotas..... :lol:


BUT... the SG side match should be very interesting because there are a handful of other

top notch shooters coming with their 97's, 87's and SxS.

And there is always that hot shot standing in the shadows the past couple years just

waiting to ambush everyone.


The odds of me besting anyone at the SG side match is about on par with you and me winning

a square dance contest on the Lawrence Welk show.  :lol:


Take care of yeowndangself..... and the next Pepsi is on me.




Lie, lie, lie, false modesty, lie, and a truth accidentally slipped in there on you.

That's the complete breakdown of your post. I simplified it for everybody.:o:ph34r:



I was perusing the 'Who's coming' list for Georgia State, with a particular eye out for anyone troublesome coming down from TN, and there were a few, but two names were conspicuously absent.  


Starting Thursday I'll be slinging lead at one of the best State matches there is, while those two will be...doing something less fun.


Not that I'm naming names or anything.


9 minutes ago, Tennessee williams said:

Lie, lie, lie, false modesty, lie, and a truth accidentally slipped in there on you.

That's the complete breakdown of your post. I simplified it for everybody.:o:ph34r:


7 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


I also have a suspicion that Red Knee went out and hired these 'fast guns' and

put another bounty on my head.   He's hoping that I'll give him Enchantress #4 after

I get whooped...... :lol:

#4 was his biggest nemesis.






Capt BB,

If time away from the Bunkhouse Boss were more convenient, Georgia State would be one of 

my priority matches.   If for nothing else, great friends and folks all around down there.


Plus, I think Georgia is a beautiful place to be.


For now, the TN State and Regional seem to be about the only places I can 'break away'

too, although I'm trying to squeeze in Black Gold.


As for TW, well....... truth be known, I think his 'Knitting Group' is having their annual tea party

this weekend and he's hosting it at his house.




6 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:


I was perusing the 'Who's coming' list for Georgia State, with a particular eye out for anyone troublesome coming down from TN, and there were a few, but two names were conspicuously absent.  


Starting Thursday I'll be slinging lead at one of the best State matches there is, while those two will be...doing something less fun.


Not that I'm naming names or anything.




  I was in Knoxville all this weekend for the state basketball AAU championships, and this coming weekend I'll be at Austin Peay for the field portion of the state championships for track and field. Rowdy Riley is keeping us busy! I even beat Widder out of a steak dinner at Longhorn this past weekend. He may be the lyingest lowdown yeller bellied Yankee biscuit eating cur dog this side of the Mississippi, but as friends go, he ain't that bad. Me and him are sponsoring one of the port-a-jons at the shoot. He said he was putting a camera in on his side of it. I can't tell ya which one it is.


TW finally tells something with a little truth.   Indeed, we are sponsoring one of the 

Port-A-Jons at the TN State.   My side is the UPPER half.  Naturally, TW is sponsoring

the lower half where all the smell goes...... :lol:


As for being a .... "Lyingest lowdown yeller bellied Yankee biscuit eating cur dog...",  

I resent being called a 'Yankee'.  :P


While TW was in Knoxville, the Bunkhouse Boss and I took ole TW and his family out

to eat at Longhorn steakhouse.  TW was about to order a big cheese burger until I

told him that supper was 'my treat'.   That rascal then ordered one of them steaks

what has a long name like..... LONGHORN RIBEYE........ or something like that.

It comes with a huge bone still on the steak.

And I think they price it by weight.... bone included.


I won't say the cost was significant,  but TW studied all the prices and

then ordered the biggest and most expensive steak on the menu.

Just about took TWO credit cards to pay for supper.

It was worth it, cause I had a pleasant meal with 3 beautiful ladies to talk with

while eating.


The only distraction was the drunks from the bar walking over to our table

saying "HEY". to.  'JOE'.   Guess WHO "Joe" was?


And now you know the rest of the story!






some potent and notable 97 shooters are gonna be blastin away at this match.

I hate your gonna miss the dance.   Red Knee is gonna miss it also.


This will be the 'Don't Blink' speed side match because if you blink, you'll miss it.






27 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


some potent and notable 97 shooters are gonna be blastin away at this match.

I hate your gonna miss the dance.   Red Knee is gonna miss it also.


This will be the 'Don't Blink' speed side match because if you blink, you'll miss it.






Widder, a word to the wise.  When you blink put your hand on your wallet.  Rumor has it that a noted chicken whispering professional truth stretcher will be in the neighborhood. :lol:




Well how bout that!    What a nice surprise.


Looks like I might have to whip up more of 'Widder's Special Shotgun Lube' that I made

for Red Knee a few years back.

Would you prefer the 'creamy' or the 'Crunchy'.   :D





I didn't mean to post on here. I thought I was sending it to Randy Saint Eagle.  

It's the meds

2 hours ago, Hells Comin said:

Thank you 

I noticed you hid the note you sent with the application saying you didn't want to posse with Widder. Smart fella. :P

3 minutes ago, Hells Comin said:

I didn't mean to post on here. I thought I was sending it to Randy Saint Eagle.  

It's the meds

I think you misspelled alcohol.

1 hour ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Well how bout that!    What a nice surprise.


Looks like I might have to whip up more of 'Widder's Special Shotgun Lube' that I made

for Red Knee a few years back.

Would you prefer the 'creamy' or the 'Crunchy'.   :D




Which one does Red Knee like.

1 minute ago, Tennessee williams said:

I noticed you hid the note you sent with the application saying you didn't want to posse with Widder. Smart fella. :P

I think you misspelled alcohol.

If it was alcohol by social security # would be on it.

8 hours ago, Hells Comin said:

Which one does Red Knee like.


The most effective is the one Red Knee prefers and that would be the 'Extra Crunchy'.


TN Williams said that when Red Knee uses it and I go to the firing line, you don't know if its

the Extra Crunchy or if Red Knee's knees are popping..... :lol:




3 hours ago, Hells Comin said:

Thank you

This is going to be fun!! Except we're going to need more shotgun shells. I wonder what convinced him... Maybe it has something to do with this picture that HC accidentally sent me. OIG2(2).thumb.jpeg.4337e57bc508c252cc0a85ba0a39696e.jpeg


You could either call that 'Bribe Chocolates'. or 'Pity Condolences'.   :lol:


Either way, Red Knee is probably having nightmares over this one.

Just think about this:   If your resume stated:

Oklahoma Speed 97 Champ,  Southwest Regional speed 97 Champ,

and Nat'l speed 97 Champ (Winter Range a few years ago), and now

you're gonna stay at home and let others win the 'Feather'.   


Chicken George:  Ya don't need a lot of SG shells for side match.  It only takes 6 to win.  :lol:


P.S. - I don't know how I got meowndangself in this mess, but its gonna be a

'fun mess'.

After TN State, I'll have some good reasons to retire.....again!  ;)





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