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9 days!

I have a full day next Thursday, so we’ll be rolling into Bell Buckle on the late side of the day, but I plan to hit the hay early so I can get my beauty sleep and open up a good ole can of whoop azz on a couple of puddin eatin Tennessee trash talkers Friday morning. 

This Saturday at Ocoee Rangers will be a dry run for the main event. Widder will be there but I expect TW will be shaking in his boots, praying over a pile of chicken feet, and researching in his book of excuses.


Here is actual photo of Widder giving TW a bunch f $15 bills n exchange for some $9 and $6.

widder and TW.jpg



And what's funny is that TW believed that $15 bill was real.


I took the $9 bill and paid Capt BB the money I owned him.

I used the $6 bill to buy a burger and Pepsi down in Alabama.


Ya just don't wake up on the morning and put one over on Ole Widder.




1 hour ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

9 days!

I have a full day next Thursday, so we’ll be rolling into Bell Buckle on the late side of the day, but I plan to hit the hay early so I can get my beauty sleep and open up a good ole can of whoop azz on a couple of puddin eatin Tennessee trash talkers Friday morning. 

This Saturday at Ocoee Rangers will be a dry run for the main event. Widder will be there but I expect TW will be shaking in his boots, praying over a pile of chicken feet, and researching in his book of excuses.


I hate to tell you this Capt BB, but the combination of 'Beauty, Sleep and Capt BB' is

call the Oxymoron Trifecta.   

You might get enough rest to whoop up on a few folks on Friday, but looking beautiful

won't be part of the equation.


As for me, I'm old, ugly and slow and I already 'rest' all during the day..... :lol:

I'll be in Bell Buckle Wednesday.  Likely, Slick McClade will be there Wednesday

evening also.   He and I will be sharing a room on Wednesday at the B&B

but then he'll have his own room for Thursday on.




1 hour ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


I hate to tell you this Capt BB, but the combination of 'Beauty, Sleep and Capt BB' is

call the Oxymoron Trifecta.   

You might get enough rest to whoop up on a few folks on Friday, but looking beautiful

won't be part of the equation.


As for me, I'm old, ugly and slow and I already 'rest' all during the day..... :lol:

I'll be in Bell Buckle Wednesday.  Likely, Slick McClade will be there Wednesday

evening also.   He and I will be sharing a room on Wednesday at the B&B

but then he'll have his own room for Thursday on.




One night stand ?


Chicken George, Hells Commin, etc.....


For all those coming from other states, ya might consider bringing some

sort of Nasal Spray.   Pollen (Polin)  effects ALL of us, even around here.  And a little

precaution can turn your weekend into a more pleasant event, especially 

if you're not fighting a sinus infection or runny nose.

I ain't a doctor..... but trust me on this one.


I don't have bad allergies, but I do keep my sinus situation to a minimum

by using a little vaseline in my nostrils.  Every little bit of precaution helps.


Safe travels.





Hey all of you cowboys & cowgirls,

Having finally obtained my official testing center license from Cracker Jack, Inc.,  I will be offering a special rate on my free IQ testing at the Wartrace Range on Thursday. 1 person @ $5, couples testing @ $12 and get the family special, all family members for $3 (limit of 14 children per family) as this skews the results. 

This free IQ test usually takes about 2 minutes total. Your time may vary, it took TW 2 1/2 hours to figure out the first question. Made me revamp the test and ask for your name at the end.


Cash only, no refunds due to the nature of the exam. We accept walk-ins but appointments will speed things up.


Tw should be retested.  Have you been reading his post ? Leave the name requirement off for him or it will  take 5 hours this time. This way some on his buddies will have a chance to take the test. If they take the test - Obviously there will not be time left for anyone else. I had mine Done  by Bidens Doctor and  he said I was sharp as a tack.

2 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

@Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 any chance we can get Posse lists?  I want to know who is stuck shooting with me.


I think you are on a Posse with Dr. Smellfunkus and Ivan Bottlestopper.

I don't know why, but rumor is that Whiskey told Dixie NOT to put any children

on a Posse with you or TW.

Must have something to do with that background check.





On 5/10/2024 at 7:25 AM, Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 said:

Don’t forget Thursday the 30th is “Are You Tough Enough To Wear Pink “ day. We will be collecting money Thursday and all weekend for the American Cancer Society, please consider donating as we all have been or know someone who has been touched by cancer. If you wish to donate by check please make it out to the American Cancer Society.






Wanted to remind everyone not to forget your PINK. I hope to see lots of pink in 1 week!!





Whiskey snuck in a new event this year.

Don't miss the Cowboy Bingo, Thursday afternoon beginning at 3:30pm. Get your cards and get chances to win some great prizes!

On 5/23/2024 at 7:43 PM, Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 said:

Wanted to remind everyone not to forget your PINK. I hope to see lots of pink in 1 week!!




I believe I still have some of these


1 minute ago, Kid Rich said:

Hells Comin is on his way from AZ and rumor has it a WHUPPIN is comin with him.
















I've been meaning to ask him if Wyatt was coming with him?:D




Looking forward to seeing Hells Coming again. I used to see him at BorderTown each year but since I have had to lay low for a few years have not seen him much.


I just moved down a place to say the least.

3 hours ago, Tn Tombstone said:

Looking forward to seeing Hells Coming again. I used to see him at BorderTown each year but since I have had to lay low for a few years have not seen him much.


I just moved down a place to say the least.

And we all thought you was good people. Ha!:P

34 minutes ago, Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 said:

Like Hells Comin?



Nope saving it for Tennessee!

9 minutes ago, Hells Comin said:

17166846339574093791115509080641.thumb.jpg.10307deefc70717c6d6abf32172c74bf.jpgI'm coming for u and Hells Comin with me.

If I couldn't shoot a 97 faster than you, I wouldn't even shoot one.




TW. One what shoots a side by side. Barely.


Hell's Comin's reputation with a 97 precedes him and the TN State should be so

proud to have him and a few others of equal reputation coming from a galaxy,

far, far away and bringing their '97 Light Sabres with them.


Its gonna be 'Katie Bar The Door' next Thursday at the side matches and no place

for the faint of heart.


How fast can you say..... "6 in, 6 out, 6 down"?




2 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Hell's Comin's reputation with a 97 precedes him and the TN State should be so

proud to have him and a few others of equal reputation coming from a galaxy,

far, far away and bringing their '97 Light Sabres with them.


Its gonna be 'Katie Bar The Door' next Thursday at the side matches and no place

for the faint of heart.


How fast can you say..... "6 in, 6 out, 6 down"?




3.73 seconds 

On 5/22/2024 at 6:27 AM, Kid Rich said:

Whoever finds the pink "Georgia good luck charm" will win the mystery door prize. kR

PS Mister Badly found it a couple years ago.

Wow, I already found it and the match ain’t started yet!





4 minutes ago, Hells Comin said:

3.73 seconds 


That's fast.... real fast!




15 minutes ago, Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 said:

Wow, I already found it and the match ain’t started yet!





Dang. I found it one year and just took it on home with me. It did taste good though.

21 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:


That's fast.... real fast!




Yes and I have ocean front property for sale in Arizona. 


My time is closer to 5.00 seconds...... I studder a lot.  :P

The Widder of old

has become the old Widder of slow.  :lol:



And the only thing TW breaks is 'wind'.  

He wears one of them signs on his back side that reads.....'Stay Back 50 feet'.





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