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On 9/4/2024 at 5:11 PM, Alpo said:

military coffee.jpg

Long ago I'd take my staff for a meeting in a different coffee shop every Friday morning.  I'd always get there early and let the place know that there would be about 20 of us'. Once I got to the S---ucks, I  told the snot nosed teenager what we expected and ordered a cup of coffee.


I got pretty much the same thing this Marine got.  Finally I asked the puke if they served real coffee and he started in, acting like I was retarded.  About a minute later I told him that wasn't a teenie bopper or yuppie and didn't appreciate being talked down to and ridiculed and to forget everything else.


I said I was going across the street to a family cafe and that I would post one of my people on the sidewalk in front of his place to tell the rest where we were...and walked out.


The a--hole called the police who asked my man on the sidewalk what he was doing there.  He was told.  The cop stood back and said "don't set foot on the parking lot" and drove away.


A half hour later a man walked in and was directed to me.  He introduced himself as a district manager of the company across the street. We went outside and he began to apologize. I cut him off and told him what I thought of his staff and operation, that his apology was too kittle and way too late and that was going to post this incident in our next corporate news letter( we were part of the largest financial company in the county and just recently had bought the company with the red umbrella logo)


I went back inside and forgot about it.


Not long afterward I got a letter from the other dude.  I wrote REJECTED on it and sent it back.


End of story.


Haven't set foot in a St--bu--s since.  Won't ever again

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1 hour ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Get Bill Mauldin's book Up Front written in late WWII for Stars and Stripes in Europe.


It will teach you a lot about combat troops. morale, and GIs...and make you laugh a lot.

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