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Showing ID to buy magazines

Rye Miles #13621

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The Walmart neat me has shotgun, .22 LR and some rifle ammo. No handgun ammo !


I was in Walmart yesterday and found that shotgun shells were prices about $2.00 a box higher than I had bought them on-line.  I was kind of surprised because Walmart use to have the best price on shotgun shells.  Now, nothing less than $12.97/box.


WalMart had a box of 325 .22’s Federals for 23.95. Last time I was there 

4 hours ago, bgavin said:

I was at Walmart in Reno last week.
Even though NV is an Open Carry state, Walmart in Reno says they will not sell 223, 9mm or other hand gun cartridges.
The only sell rifle and shotgun now.
Walmart has succumbed to political pressure, nationwide.

The Walmart CEO made that call a few years ago when somebody shot up one of their stores. Even though the shooter didn't GET his equipment at Walmart. Kroger/ Fry's Grocery stores did the same thing. They both also ASKED their customers not to open carry in the store, though they said nothing about CCW. 

Immediately after that, I was in a Walmart, open carrying of course, when an Assistant Manager showed up and asked me to conceal it. I grabbed a plastic bag, covered it up, and she was fine with it. Since then though, nothing was said.

A week later, I was in a different Walmart, and they didn't have a problem with it. Since then, I have been in many Walmarts and Fry's stores, and nobody has had an issue. Most times, I get complimented on it. 

This is Arizona, and nobody much worries about it out here.  


Here in CA, every ammo purchased is logged in a State database via CA background check and a $1 check fee.
One has to have both a Real ID drivers license, plus a firearm registered with CA at the same address as the drivers license.


No limitation by caliber is imposed.  Yet.
You can have a 22 on file, and buy 460 S&W ammo without restriction.  For now.

2 hours ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

I got carded at Wally World , when I went to pick up some power belts for M/L season 



I'm guessing M/L season is muzzleloading season. But what the heck is a power belt?


I did a search. There was a piece of weight loss (or possibly weight training)  equipment, and they were drive belts for machinery. But I couldn't find anything that had to do with muzzleloading.


Power Belts are a plastic skirted sabot for inline muzzle loaders 


  IIRC , they are made by CVA a pack of 15 , runs about $20 plus tax 


  they ain't real cheap , but my rifle like em 




  have no clue what they would have wanted , if I had needed powder or 209 primers 


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