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I wonder if Colt would make me a Sheriff's Model with New Frontier style sights

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A really simple bit of wondering here.   If asked, would the Colt Custom Shop make a Sheriff's model with New Frontier style sights?

The reasons I would want such a beast are 2 fold...

1.  It would pair well with my NF Buntline.

2.  Sheriff's models are C&R.

Probably charge way too much money for it if they would even agree to do so.

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12 minutes ago, PaleWolf Brunelle, #2495L said:

Call and ask them.

+ 10000

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13 minutes ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

Seems like a NF type of front sight would be too tall for a Sheriff length barrel, as far as POA/POI goes.  Kind of hard to shave those down as well.

Well, that's why I was thinking if it was even possible.   The frame of the NF is different from the frame of the regular Peacemaker, and I don't know if you could somehow get NF rear sights on a standard Sheriff frame.   I suppose I will give them a call.

Although, perhaps it would be more cost effective to take a regular Sheriff and contact one of those customizers that people have mentioned.

But then it's no longer C&R after it's modified.

Oh, the questions and wonderings!


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The first answer you got was the only correct answer you're gonna get... (unless by some quirk of circumstance the Colt Custom Shop answered here).  :P

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