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Pat Riot

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This stuff will get us Southern boys.


I was in Atlanta one winter, and there was a heavy snow. I went out to walk the dog, and knowing that I had very little experience with snow, I was taking about 6-inch steps. Then we finished walking through the grass, under the trees, on the snow. Got to the parking lot. Where the sun was shining down and had apparently melted all the snow. So I started walking normally again. I took about three steps when the dog decided she wanted to go that way, and when she hit the end of the leash she jerked me, and I landed on my ass.


"Alpo, please allow me to introduce you to Black Ice."


I couldn't get up. I wasn't hurt. And I could roll over onto my hands and knees, but I couldn't get any traction with my feet to stand up. I ended up crawling across the parking lot on my hands and knees. Then when I got to the curb and crawled up onto the snow covered grass, I could get traction and I stood up.


Damn straight walk like a penguin. And wear cleats when you're doing it.

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1 hour ago, Calamity Kris said:


Know your bougee, Pat.  That's Louis Vuitton.  French, not Italian.  :P

It’s all Gucci to me… :D



2 hours ago, Alpo said:

Alpo, please allow me to introduce you to Black Ice."

Grace and ego are out the window when it comes to ice. I can’t tell you how many times I fell on ice as a kid. As an adult  I cracked my tailbone more than once on ice. Black ice. Hate that stuff. 

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