Chief Rick Posted December 22, 2022 Posted December 22, 2022 We appear to have quite a few here that enjoy reading. I have always preferred real books, paperback or hardcover. I have recently purchased a few eBooks from Amazon. I don't like paying for a book and not having something tangible to hold and put on a shelf. I do like the convenience of always having the book with me. Do I need to get with the current times and get over paper books? Do you prefer one medium over the other?
Eyesa Horg Posted December 22, 2022 Posted December 22, 2022 Paper, I'm a curmudgeon . I'm the guy that misses maps! I used GPS mapping programs all day for my Dig Safe job and although very convenient and easy to get to the next call, which a paper map wouldn't get me right to the door so to speak; I find that my natural sense of direction has been adversely affected. I'm not fond of that!
DeaconKC Posted December 22, 2022 Posted December 22, 2022 When traveling, I love my ebooks. At home, actual print.
Chief Rick Posted December 22, 2022 Author Posted December 22, 2022 26 minutes ago, DeaconKC said: When traveling, I love my ebooks. At home, actual print. In order to do that, do you buy two copies of the same book (one print and one digital), or do you read different books at either location?
DeaconKC Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 11 minutes ago, Chief Rick said: In order to do that, do you buy two copies of the same book (one print and one digital), or do you read different books at either location? Different books. There are many sites that have free ebooks and that is what is mostly on the reader.
Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Real Books I can Hold in my Hands, read where and when I want... And twenty years later reread ... Jabez Cowboy
Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 If a book is any good they will make it into a Netflix or Amazon series.
Utah Bob #35998 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 I prefer paper. But at the prices for print books, I have been doing a lot of E reading lately.
Chief Rick Posted December 23, 2022 Author Posted December 23, 2022 15 minutes ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said: If a book is any good they will make it into a Netflix or Amazon series. At which time people will complain that the movie/series differs too much from the book and state how much better the books are.
Subdeacon Joe Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Emotionally I like a paper book. Reality is that I'm finding print in books getting hard to read. I read in bed to relax and get to sleep and I have come to like the convenience of my Kindle. Paper book - get to the point of going to sleep, put the bookmark in, put the book on the headboard bookshelf, roll over to turn out the light, settle back under the covers, try to get sleepy again. Kindle - open the Kindle, turn out the light, read until I fall asleep.
LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 E books, and if I like them, then pick up a paper copy.
Yul Lose Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 I read lots of books, sometimes 2-3 a week and nowadays they are all ebook. Out in the RV garage I’ve got bookshelves full of books that I’ve read, someday I’ll get rid of them somehow. Our local little library wasn’t the least bit interested in them when I offered them to them, said they were flooded with book donations. I read for 2-3 hours every night in bed and Mrs. Lose doesn’t like the reading light that I used for paper books so the IPad is my reader now. Kindle has a ton of reads that you don’t have to pay for. I used to love hanging out at Borders, Barnes and Noble and Walden Books when they were still in business, there’s just something about the smell of a book store to me. If I drive by a used book store I usually pull over and check it out. Oddly when I’m camping in the trailer I prefer a paper book and keep 3-4 in it to read on the road.
Smokin Gator SASS #29736 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 We get a lot of books through thriftbooks. The recent release books aren't nearly as cheap but older one are a great deal. Occasionally I'll get a hardback because it's the cheapest or only version but I prefer paperbacks.
Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 I put up a Free "Put and Take " Library shaped Like our Church by the three benches next to our sidewalk ... Some take books, some leave books and some do both ... There are some fine books coming and going, but I do have to weed out some of the Trash Books . They go to the recycler ... Jabez Cowboy
DocWard Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Paper. I can truthfully say I've never read an e-book (unless you count our own "Trouble Comes to Stone Creek"). I'm not sure what it is, but I find reading things of any length on a computer a challenge at times. Often at work I will print a lengthy document out just so I can read it more easily. I suppose it could be the slight astigmatism that my new eye doctor recently mentioned I have. Then you come to the sensory aspect. The feel of the paper as you touch it, as you turn the page. The aroma of it. Even the sound, the slight sliding and scraping of paper against paper as one moves the page slightly to turn it. All add to the reading experience for me.
watab kid Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 i prefer paper - i tend to look back often to make sure i didnt miss anything or relive a crucial part , maps , photos etc , i often bring a book to shoots and relax reading ..outdoors , lawn chair , cold beer , ceegar , my kind of relaxation ,
Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Plaatic! Oh, different topic. Electronic has the advantage that I can always open one of my devices and continue reading. Kindle can only keep two devices in sync though, larger numbers require assistance. It has the disadvantage that you can’t pass the book on to someone else of to book fair charity. Paper is there and I can thumb back to a page now then. But it can get lost. I had one book, I got the first copy cheap, as was my practice , I got into the story and lost the book. Where was I when I wanted to continue reading? An airport. No worse place for prices and taxes. Lost that copy and I was a hundred pages to go, nine hours to burn in San Francisco airport en route Singapore to Boston. Paid for a shower and bought another copy.
Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 I love books. But other than reference volumes, I haven't bought a real book in years. My E-Reader of choice is a Nook from Barnes and Noble. Actually, it's a medium sized Samsung tablet - that came with Office installed. I followed my son's thoughts after he bought one for his ma ~ "Dad. If you have a Kindle and it messes up, what're ya gonna do with it? If Ma breaks her Nook, all she has to do is take it to the nearest Barnes and Noble." And I have actually done that a couple of times with mine. A couple of things have changed with them, though... years ago, you could actually "lend" books to another reader - not so now. The websites say you can, but in reality, it just ain't so. Another thing - new downloadable books are not necessarily that economic; many of the books I "buy" and download are actually more costly than a printed version. But, when I'm reading in bed late at night and finish a book - particularly one in a series - it's danged neat to be able to press a button and have the next "volume" ready to read ten seconds later.
Rye Miles #13621 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Paper books for sure! I buy em at the thrift stores or get them at the library. If a new book book comes out that I really want to read I'll bite the bullet and pay the $30.00 or whatever.
Chantry Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 20 hours ago, Chief Rick said: We appear to have quite a few here that enjoy reading. I have always preferred real books, paperback or hardcover. I have recently purchased a few eBooks from Amazon. I don't like paying for a book and not having something tangible to hold and put on a shelf. I do like the convenience of always having the book with me. Do I need to get with the current times and get over paper books? Do you prefer one medium over the other? Both. I use a Kindle reader mostly due to lack of space and because a new Kindle book is almost always cheaper than a new paper book. I still buy paper books where a Kindle version isn't available or in cases of books with lots of pictures (such as a book on British hammer shotguns) since a Kindle doesn't do pictures very well. I can take my Kindle reader just about anywhere I go and have 500+ books available to me to read.
Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 paper , it is there when the E books are not working I an't much good with the confuser , CB
Dantankerous Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Paper. No interest at all in anything else.
Oak Ridge Regulator Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 If it’s a reference book with pictures I want it hard cover, if it’s a reading book I want it digital because I can have hundreds on my iPad/pc/kindle and read anyone of them at anytime, the iPad is also nice because I can read it in bed with the lights out and not keep my girlfriend up, it’s also easier to store a hundred digital book’s especially in a small house with limited space, iPads and kindles also allow me to make the font bigger and the contrast brighter on the page making it easier for these”older eyes”to read, now if they would just make the targets bigger and closer !
Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Paper cause sitting on the throne with an IPad is a pain.
Cyrus Cassidy #45437 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 I've read a few e-books and I understand the draw of having an entire library with you inside a device the size of one book. However, I still prefer paper books by a wide margin. My retention is exponentially higher with paper books.
Red Gauntlet , SASS 60619 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 I've never read an E-book. I was a childhood friend of the man who invented them, though, Michael Hart, who created Project Gutenberg by entering the Declaration of Independence into a mainframe. He's generally credited with the achievement. It was free from the beginning and he never made a dime from it. Michael S. Hart - Wikipedia
Trailrider #896 Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 Paper. No batteries included...nor needed!
Sedalia Dave Posted December 23, 2022 Posted December 23, 2022 When I was traveling on airplanes for work I read a lot however e-books were not very common so I frequented the used book stores. I focused on series where I could buy all the books so I didn't have to wait. Driving for more than an hour I have an audio book playing. I love them and have been listening to them for almost 40 years. They make the miles go by faster. Still have hundreds of hours of books on tape and only a few CDs. is a great source of audio books. However they cannot be loaned out or traded. Have about 3000 hours in my library. I was listening to Game of Thrones. Got to book 3 and knew that there was no way the story could be wrapped up in just one more book. Turns out there will be at least two more books that haven't been written yet. I'm on book 3 of the Circle Trilogy at the moment. Should finish it on the drive home after Christmas
Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663 Posted December 24, 2022 Posted December 24, 2022 With my old eyes, I like my Kindle. The light is always right, the sentences are all on the same plain (no curved pages), and I can make the font any size I want. Less heavy than large books too. Funny: recently I was reading a real paper hardback book and when I was ready to turn the page I just tapped it with my finger. Oops. That's not how this format works. .
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