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Passwords - *********


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Does that annoy anyone else? Some site wants a password. 17 characters, uppercase and lowercase, numbers, and special sign. And as you're typing it in you see *****************


Did you type it correctly? Did you use a lowercase p it should have been an uppercase P? Did you hit the 6 when you were reaching for the 7? When you were trying to hit ) did you hit (?


Many times I have started to type my username, and misspelled it. Fat fingered it. But I can see that I misspelled it, and I go back and fix it.


But I can't see if I screwed up my password, because all I see is ******.


There are a couple of sites where it gives you the option of viewing the password. You can actually see "doodyhead" instead of just ******.


But those sites are few and far between.

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I have a lot of web pages I maintain and web sites if use.

I keep passwords on a flash drive in a spread sheet.

When I need the password, I go to the spread sheet.

I do not try to type the password in.

I copy the password from the spread sheet.

I pull the flash drive out then paste the password to the login.

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Even better is the site where they change the format of the password and 

you very carefully enter the password right in frront of ya.

So 334455 used to work and you have it right but now they want

all that uppercase and special and on on on....  and they dont tell you there has been a change.......

I know a place where they intentionally set up one of those monster passwords.

Never went back there.  NUTS to em.




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I wish sites would let you know up front what you need for a password.  Something beyond "Must be between 8 and 16 characters."
Type in your new password, hit enter, "Password must include upper and lower case letters."  
OK.  There, now has both.  "Password must include at least one numeric character:
OK.  Change a letter to a number.  "Password must include at least one special character."
OK.  Add special character.  "Special characters do not include (list)."
OK.  Replace special character.  "Password may not use a word in the dictionary."
OK, Replace something.  "Password must not be a password used on this site before."

What?  When was I here before?  Changes password.  

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3 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

I wish sites would let you know up front what you need for a password.  Something beyond "Must be between 8 and 16 characters."
Type in your new password, hit enter, "Password must include upper and lower case letters."  
OK.  There, now has both.  "Password must include at least one numeric character:
OK.  Change a letter to a number.  "Password must include at least one special character."
OK.  Add special character.  "Special characters do not include (list)."
OK.  Replace special character.  "Password may not use a word in the dictionary."
OK, Replace something.  "Password must not be a password used on this site before."

What?  When was I here before?  Changes password.  

And one Egyptian glyph from the Rosetta Stone.

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