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WTB: Moruku Win &/or Uberti 66 Butt Stock

Noah Cash

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My better half, Hilda Billie, has the urge to try Black Powder shooting with more than her .38 guns. She both an Uberti 66 in .45 Colt and a Moruku / Win in 44-40.  Both of these have standard length butt stocks and she prefers a bit shorter LOP.  Before I cut off one or both of these for her I thought I'd try and find a used stock to cut or that has already been shortened about an inch or so would be perfect.  Hoping someone out there has an old stock they no longer need.


Quick edit: both of these rifles have the straight pistol grip stocks.

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I bought this 73 as a basket case. One issue, no stock. The aftermarket one I bought was way better walnut but really dark even b4 refinishing. Existing fore end was that crazy red. I couldn't get the stock to match the red so I just re-did both. Much better. The pics look red but they are actually browner.



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