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Resizing lube

Chief Rick

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I need to resize some .430" Hi-Tek coated bullets down to .427".


I have a LEE .427" sizing die kit.


Do I need to lube the bullets prior to running them through the sizing die?


If so, will Hornady One Shot case lube work?

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I dont lube my powder coated pills down when I resize them....the coating acts as a lube in a way. Guess a squirt wouldnt hurt.. Im only sizing down .001 or .002

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I use the Dillon case lube before sizing my PC bullets. A little squirt will do ya fine.

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I just bought a LEE Resizer and resized over three thousand Hi-Tek rounds down to .427 from .430.


The instructions said to use Alox, what a mess.  Do not use on coated bullets.


My friend just squirts a little oil on the first round and they slide right through.  I found that I could just use a little lube and they go through very easily.  Or, not use any at all on coated bullets and they still go through with just a little more effort.


If you are resizing cast bullets, then use Alox, but thin it with Mineral Spirits.

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I resized 50 today.  Set them on a piece of scrap plywood and gave a quick spritz with Hornady One Shot Case Lube.


The first couple had a bit of resistance, but then the rest slid through pretty easily.  Didn't break the coating at all.


I don't know that I want to do 3000 at one sitting, though.

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59 minutes ago, Chief Rick said:

I resized 50 today.  Set them on a piece of scrap plywood and gave a quick spritz with Hornady One Shot Case Lube.


The first couple had a bit of resistance, but then the rest slid through pretty easily.  Didn't break the coating at all.


I don't know that I want to do 3000 at one sitting, though.


I know what you mean.  I said for an old man whose only exercise is pushing the buttons on the TV Remote, 3000 was a challenge.


And, I did notice my shoulder was a little sore the next day,  But by then I was resizing another order of bullets.

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