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Football Question

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18 minutes ago, Buckshot Bob said:

I’ve always heard that statement reference corn flakes 


Supply shortages.  They were out of corn flakes at the super market.

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Played in HS and College, enjoyed it. Definitive from back in the day was from Frank Gifford, (recollection) "We were just so happy to be paid to play the game we loved" and they weren't instant Millionaires.  Last time I watched football was with my Dad just before he passed in '84.  Their current mode, their right, but not attractive. 

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11 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

It's been about 30 years since I've reread it.  

I read Howard's Almuric few months ago (which is, basically, his ripoff of the John Carter of Mars), so I decided to read the real thing.

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Like Rip Snorter, I played college football and coached high school ball for years.  Playing football is far more fun than watching it.  For 8 years I got to hit people from August to November and not get in trouble.


The wife and I do enjoy watching some of kids I coached, and we both taught, play pro ball.  One of our former players/students is a DB for the Rams.  If we don't have a former student playing in a particular game, we don't watch it.

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Football is cute. Out of shape porkies covered with pads leap at each other for a minute at most.  

I love Rugby. We don't cover ourselves in heavy protective padding, we run non stop with a few minute 1 second breaks for over one-half hour and just crawl off the field if we get an owie, get patched and go back.

Kind of go army!

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