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1858 Remington

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Bought a 58 rem off armslist, ASM 1999 date code. While cleaning it up I thought the frame looked powder coated, got my magnet and sure enough, won't stick. Hit it with a file, silver underneath. So is this a zinc / pot metal / die cast frame? I remember buying one from Cabelas for $99 back in the 90's, is this what I got? Anybody else have one? Will it hold up at all? Seems to be a well made gun, got it cheap, and I'll probably never shoot it. Just wondering how common these are.

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2 hours ago, Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485 said:

That was my first thought, some one covering up brass to pass it off as steel. This is silver under the powder coat, so not brass.


Maybe powder coat over nickel-plated brass?

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27 minutes ago, portugeejn said:

Stainless steel?



Bingo!! I have a pair of them and after 20 some years the paint is mostly off of them now.


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37 minutes ago, Jasper Agate said:

Bingo!! I have a pair of them and after 20 some years the paint is mostly off of them now.


Why would they take a stainless frame, paint it than put blue parts on it? How do you like them? Do you shoot them often? How have they held up?

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 To answer your questions

 I have no Idea, but I thought the same thing!!

I like them a lot

I haven't shot them much lately, but they have many miles on them. They like CCI #10 caps and I didn't have any. I just got 700 CCI # 10 caps so I'm shooting them this year.

They have held up incredible well. I'm still using the original nipples in them. VTI still has some parts for them.

     Take care,


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I have seen brass that appears silver when first exposed to air. I was fooled, bigtime.

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I am betting Stainless.


I bought this used Uberti Stainless 1858 Remington many years ago. I bought it because it came with a 45 Colt cartridge conversion cylinder as well as the C&B cylinder for a very reasonable price. The conversion cylinder is blued steel, which gives it an interesting appearance.






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