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homemade eggnog


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If someone brought you some homemade eggnog, would you assume it had booze in it?



That Waluon movie somebody was talking about on down the board. I followed the link, and was reading the trivia and quotes and other things.


There's these two little old ladies that make shine. Christmas time and John Boy brings a bottle in the house.


Olivia: What's that you got in your hand?

John-Boy: It's a present, Mama, from Miss Mamie and Miss Emily.

Olivia: Bootleg whiskey. Don't those crazy old women know I don't allow whiskey in this house? I've got young children in this house! What sort of example do they think we set here? You take it out yonder and pour it on the ground!

John-Boy: It's not whiskey, Mama, it's egg nog.

Olivia: [after pause] I ought to be ashamed of myself.


As far as I can tell, eggnog is an alcoholic beverage. Everybody that makes it puts booze in it. The stuff they sell in the grocery store is like non-alcoholic beer, or maybe a Virgin Mary. It looks like eggnog but it ain't got no kick.


Just seems to me that if a couple of moonshiners sent some eggnog to a family for Christmas, it would most probably have a kick.

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There was a time I made fandamntastic eggnog, either with or without booze.


I made about nine gallons for a Flintlock At Hobby City Christmas party in 1977.  I used a huge stainless kettle that I borrowed from the mess hall, about 25 dozen eggs,  six gallons of whole milk and three of evaporated milk, a large bottle of quality vanilla, and sugar and nutmeg until it tasted right.  May have even used some light Karo syrup.


I used an electric mixer that a friend used in his cafe for making all manner of stuff.  It looked strangely like a small trolling motor.   The kettle was in the bathtub and we hand dipped it into half gallon glass milk bottles for transport.


Because of how we were making it, and adding different things as we went along, I can't say exactly how it was made , but I've tried for 25 years to duplicate it.  I've come close but can't quite get it.


The alcoholic version used Black Flag light rum and Amaretto di Amore.  


At the end of the night I had two half gallons that I had saved, one for the kids and one for adults. The host was a tee-totaller and he saved a half gallon for his wife and him.  


There was none left after that, not even a smear in the bottom of the jugs.


I gave up making egg nog a few years back when  a place in town was selling theirs at farmers markets.  I have three half gallons on order right now.  Just $18.00 and worth every cent.

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I would not assume it had liquor.


Originally eggnog was a drink that included liquor, but they've had the non-alcoholic version sold as "eggnog" for so long, I think most people have forgotten it was ever an alcoholic drink.


So a better question would be, at what age did you realize eggnog was supposed to have liquor in it?   I was probably in my early 30's before this dawned on me.


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I wouldn’t think it had alcohol either. I’ve always added a little rum to the store bought egg nog.

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Personally I would not assume it was alcoholic. One taste would confirm of course.

Here’s an interesting, if factually inaccurate, history of the beverage. I doubt added booze in colonial time to kill bacteria in milk. Louis Pasteur wasn’t born until 1822.




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