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I learn something every day

Tex Jones, SASS 2263

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Last match of the year at Cedar Valley.  My '97 was giving me trouble as rounds weren't going off.  Coyote Cap took the shotgun and tightened the hammer screw, which had backed out.  I never knew that the screw was on the carrier.  Thanks, Cap and have a great winter.

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1 hour ago, Tex Jones, SASS 2263 said:

Last match of the year at Cedar Valley.  My '97 was giving me trouble as rounds weren't going off.  Coyote Cap took the shotgun and tightened the hammer screw, which had backed out.  I never knew that the screw was on the carrier.  Thanks, Cap and have a great winter.

That’s # 52 of the 97 ways a 97 will break your heart! 

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10 minutes ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:


#98 is trying to load a shell in backwards--have tried it a number of times and never does work :D

Lucky you didn’t get a MDQ for sweeping with loaded gun! 

I tried a 97 for a while. I loaded them backwards. Sideways. Dropped. Pumped before pulling trigger ejecting live round, went back to SXS so now all I do is fumble the shells around when loading! 

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I was told early on that a '97 is nothing but 100 different parts all waiting for the most inopportune time to break.  I mostly shoot a double, but when I feel the need to aggravate myself, I pull out the '87. :lol:

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18 hours ago, Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L said:


#98 is trying to load a shell in backwards--have tried it a number of times and never does work :D


FYI, a 12ga shotshell won't fit in a 44WCF rifle either...

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Years ago, my grand-dad's brother woke up in the middle of the night, and heard an armadillo rooting around near his house. He had no air-conditioning, back then, and with the windows up, one could hear things very well, out in the night.

He eased up, grabbed two shotgun shells, loaded them in the double barrel, and eased to the door. Outside he drew a bead on the armadillo, and pulled the first trigger....nothing. He pulled the second trigger....nothing.

He went back in the house, turned on the light, opened the shotgun, and removed the shells. 

Then he knew....in the dark, he had loaded two of this wife's lip-sticks in the shotgun. :D


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