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Question for sports fans

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     I have mentioned in other posts that I have no interest in sports. I don't watch football, basketball, baseball, hockey, NASCAR, wrestling, or soccer.

     I grew up in Columbus Ohio having OSU, (before it became THE! Ohio State University) sports rammed down my throat. My father even told me that I was named Craig because he thought that the name Craig Roberts would sound good over the speakers in OSU stadium. 

     My whole family was into OSU fandam, and most family gatherings quickly turned from celebrating whatever holiday or event that had brought us together to "SHHH we're watching the game. Don't you want to join us?!?" 

     This brings me to my question: Why are you a fan? Whether of a team, or a sport in general. I just don't understand the attraction. I posed this question on another board for a completely different activity and was thoroughly chastised for my impertinence. Nobody ever gave a reason WHY they are a fan, just that they are, I shouldn't question it. I received more "Thumbs Down" for that post than every other post on every board I frequent combined! Since this is a board I frequent almost daily, I didn't want to cause any more hate and discontent for the others, I left the thread. In my final post in the thread, I said that I would let it go, and received nearly as many "Thumbs Up" as I had down. I've asked this question of fans for years, and the best I ever got is something on the order of "Because I am!"

     I don't ask this question out of any disrespect or animosity, I just want to try to understand it.




Considering how "my team", the Colorado Rockies and the Denver Broncos have been doing lately...GOOD QUESTION...why am I a fan?  Seriously,  I'm not sure I can tell you.  I just like to watch...usually on T.V.   I was raised in a two baseball team town, and it had one football team, as well.  Maybe it is just vicarious interest.  I don't watch basketball or hockey.  Maybe some psychologist can give you a better answer.  Now, if you want a really thrilling sport, try...curling! :D


Several things come to mind.  First,  I  was raised with it.  Not rammed down my throat but we watched a lot of sports.   

Second,  I  grew up playing football and baseball.   Sandlot and P.E. stuff, but I enjoyed it. 

Third, it is a marvel to watch.   I  just now watched a replay of San Diego Padres player Fernando Tatis sliding into home.  The situational awareness,  judging if he could make it from 3rd to home before the throw from the outfield got to the catcher, putting on his burst of speed, then at the perfect instant throwing his feet out in front of him,  sliding in,  twisting out to avoid the tag, then in to touch the plate

  Last night before the game was suspended he had rounded 3rd,  then had to head back and did a marvelous dance step to avoid the tag and still step on the bag - and stay on it.

2 minutes ago, Trailrider #896 said:

Now, if you want a really thrilling sport, try...curling! :D


Chess on ice.  With physics thrown in.

2 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Chess on ice.  With physics thrown in.

Not a good idea to watch when the wife can see the broom...especially if the floor or front walk needs sweeping!:P


Fernando Tatis:



And not just the running.   The leaping or sliding catches.  The lunging catch by the 3rd baseman that puts him on his belly,  then rolling to his knees and firing the ball over to 1st,  beating the runner by inches.  


In hockey it might be the goalie who has just lunged to his left to block a shot now lashing out with his right foot to stop the shot from the rebound.   




In the video,  even the "unimpressive" stuff is pretty impressive.   Just hitting the ball, the batter essentially has to make his decision to swing or not by the time the ball is about 1/3 of the way to the plate, making an experienced guess at just where the ball will be and when. 


And the catch by the fielder, much more difficult than it looks. 

39 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

     I have mentioned in other posts that I have no interest in sports. I don't watch football, basketball, baseball, hockey, NASCAR, wrestling, or soccer.

     I grew up in Columbus Ohio having OSU, (before it became THE! Ohio State University) sports rammed down my throat. My father even told me that I was named Craig because he thought that the name Craig Roberts would sound good over the speakers in OSU stadium. 

     My whole family was into OSU fandam, and most family gatherings quickly turned from celebrating whatever holiday or event that had brought us together to "SHHH we're watching the game. Don't you want to join us?!?" 

     This brings me to my question: Why are you a fan? Whether of a team, or a sport in general. I just don't understand the attraction. I posed this question on another board for a completely different activity and was thoroughly chastised for my impertinence. Nobody ever gave a reason WHY they are a fan, just that they are, I shouldn't question it. I received more "Thumbs Down" for that post than every other post on every board I frequent combined! Since this is a board I frequent almost daily, I didn't want to cause any more hate and discontent for the others, I left the thread. In my final post in the thread, I said that I would let it go, and received nearly as many "Thumbs Up" as I had down. I've asked this question of fans for years, and the best I ever got is something on the order of "Because I am!"

     I don't ask this question out of any disrespect or animosity, I just want to try to understand it.



You still wouldn’t understand so it’s a waste of time to try and explain it to you.


I’m a Cleveland Indians fan and Browns too, never cared for the game if basketball. My dad took me to many many Indians games, when my sons were old enough we would all go, me my sons and gramps! I played little league, pony league and later softball. I just love the game of baseball. I think it’s the best game ever!

My dad was not a huge football fan but he took me to a few Browns games too. 


Why do you like CAS?  It is the same joy experienced with other sports.  Physical challenge requiring concentration.  Penalties and scores in timed events.  Comradery in competition.  When you are too young or old or broke, you spectate or coach.


I can't help you because I have even less interest than you do, much to my father's disappointment and dismay.


The only sports I participated in were swimming (lots of awards for 200 yard freestyle), down hill skiing, and racing sports cars on any surface available.


Both of those were much more for the camaraderie and fun than for the competition.....and the girls, too, until my wife joined me racing the cars.



1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:


The only sports I participated in were swimming (lots of awards for 200 yard freestyle), down hill skiing, and racing sports cars on any surface available.




Do you watch any of those either in person or on television?   Do you watch any sports?


There are some I don't watch,  basketball,  horse racing,  golf (although the skills are impressive),  bowling,  the so-called extreme sports,  association football,  others that I have so little interest in that I don't know their names. 


What sports I'd like to see more of on television,  just about all shooting sports (3 gun with the Williams sisters :wub:), archery,  and, believe it or not, cheering (cheerleading).  The strength,  agilliity, coordination,  and balance is mind boggling.

3 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

     I have mentioned in other posts that I have no interest in sports. I don't watch football, basketball, baseball, hockey, NASCAR, wrestling, or soccer.

     I grew up in Columbus Ohio having OSU, (before it became THE! Ohio State University) sports rammed down my throat. My father even told me that I was named Craig because he thought that the name Craig Roberts would sound good over the speakers in OSU stadium. 

     My whole family was into OSU fandam, and most family gatherings quickly turned from celebrating whatever holiday or event that had brought us together to "SHHH we're watching the game. Don't you want to join us?!?" 

     This brings me to my question: Why are you a fan? Whether of a team, or a sport in general. I just don't understand the attraction. I posed this question on another board for a completely different activity and was thoroughly chastised for my impertinence. Nobody ever gave a reason WHY they are a fan, just that they are, I shouldn't question it. I received more "Thumbs Down" for that post than every other post on every board I frequent combined! Since this is a board I frequent almost daily, I didn't want to cause any more hate and discontent for the others, I left the thread. In my final post in the thread, I said that I would let it go, and received nearly as many "Thumbs Up" as I had down. I've asked this question of fans for years, and the best I ever got is something on the order of "Because I am!"

     I don't ask this question out of any disrespect or animosity, I just want to try to understand it.



I can't answer but I think it must me something psychological.


3 hours ago, Yul Lose said:

You still wouldn’t understand so it’s a waste of time to try and explain it to you.

YL - your answer reminds me of the debates over H-Ds.  Often times there is no rational reason but people feel they have to ride one or ride nothing.  Then others feel guilted into riding one and don't want to admit that's the reason. 


If you know why you enjoy something then you should be able to say so.  If you enjoy something but don't know why, then why not say that?


1 hour ago, sassnetguy50 said:

Why do you like CAS?  It is the same joy experienced with other sports.  Physical challenge requiring concentration.  Penalties and scores in timed events.  Comradery in competition.  When you are too young or old or broke, you spectate or coach.

Some people enjoy watching things that they've never participated in and never will.  Why?

29 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:



Do you watch any of those either in person or on television?   Do you watch any sports?


There are some I don't watch,  basketball,  horse racing,  golf (although the skills are impressive),  bowling,  the so-called extreme sports,  association football,  others that I have so little interest in that I don't know their names. 


What sports I'd like to see more of on television,  just about all shooting sports (3 gun with the Williams sisters :wub:), archery,  and, believe it or not, cheering (cheerleading).  The strength,  agilliity, coordination,  and balance is mind boggling.

I no longer watch nor participate in any sports other than shooting, and I don't compete even at that.  Never really did,  just shot for fun, but now my physical condition doesn't even allow for CAS, just occasional runs at the local range to hear the bang, feel the recoil, and smear a target or two.


Sgt., I wish I knew the answer. Because I've wondered for decades.


At one time I thought it was because I was not a team player. I saw no interest in team sports. So watching baseball or football held no interest to me at all. But, I used to enjoy golf and tennis and bowling - none of which your ARE team sports -but watching them is even more boring than watching baseball. When I was a child I enjoyed playing baseball and football. But I've never liked watching it.


Someone asked "why do you like CAS?" It's the same answer. While I enjoy doing it, watching other people do it bores me to tears.


Let me give an example of the rabid fandom I'm talking about. When I was stationed at the old N.A.S. South Weymouth in Massachusetts, when any of the local Reservists were on duty, all one had to say was that mention that the Celtics, Patriots, or Red Sox had lost last nights game, just mention the loss with NO other comment, and at least two of them would be on their feet literally ready to fight over it. 


Just now, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Let me give an example of the rabid fandom I'm talking about. When I was stationed at the old N.A.S. South Weymouth in Massachusetts, when any of the local Reservists were on duty, all one had to say was that mention that the Celtics, Patriots, or Red Sox had lost last nights game, just mention the loss with NO other comment, and at least two of them would be on their feet literally ready to fight over it. 


Because they were crazy!! Not all of us sports fans are like that, you just happened to know a few whackos!!


I always ger a kick out of the fans who go nuts yelling "We won.  We won."


They never won anything, they watched.  I'd rather watch puppies wrestling.

5 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Because they were crazy!! Not all of us sports fans are like that, you just happened to know a few whackos!!

Well, they WERE Pilgrims, so yeah. that is a bit of an extreme example. But I still haven't seen a good example of why the fandom. Granted, you, as well as a couple others have told of being taken to games and family tradition, as it were, but it still doesn't give me any insight to why. .

Chief Rick may have come closest with "something psychological." 

I note that no less than Forty Rod and Alpo don't understand it either. I could be in worse company.



When they brought politics and racism into the stadium I lost interest in pretty much all of them 


There’s no silver bullet theory for explaining anyone's taste. It's always a mixture of exposure, of culture, of a person's personality. And none of these are particularly static or fixed. The nice thing about tastes is that they are subject to change. We can kind of always be reinventing them and reinventing ourselves a little bit.

15 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Well, they WERE Pilgrims, so yeah. that is a bit of an extreme example. But I still haven't seen a good example of why the fandom. Granted, you, as well as a couple others have told of being taken to games and family tradition, as it were, but it still doesn't give me any insight to why. .

Chief Rick may have come closest with "something psychological." 

I note that no less than Forty Rod and Alpo don't understand it either. I could be in worse company.


You forget I said I love the game of baseball! I think it’s the best game ever! Isn’t that enough ? 


Sgt. C. J. Sabre,  

I can sympathize.


I think many folks have a need to belong to a group.  It becomes an adopted family, or a family substitute. Others, like you and me, don’t have as strong a need for association.  I can enjoy and respect athletic ability without thinking of any of them as “my tribe” versus “an enemy tribe”.

I watch the Royals because my son is a fan and it gives us something to talk about.  That’s about it.

6 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

You forget I said I love the game of baseball! I think it’s the best game ever! Isn’t that enough ? 

Usually it's because you like/love the game. I love baseball, to a lesser extent football (college, gave up on NFL years ago). Fanatics can really leave you scratching your head. I don't like basketball much to start with, get real sick of having the NBA shoved in my face. Totally don't get soccer. I'd rather watch concrete set. But millions worldwide are crazy about it. Used to listen to sports talk radio quite a bit, rarely do anymore. All they want to talk about is the NFL and the NBA mixed in with more NFL and NBA, Tom Brady and LeBron James. Rarely hear a peep about baseball.  Don't even bother to give the baseball scores anymore.

The view from my saddle.


22 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I always ger a kick out of the fans who go nuts yelling "We won.  We won."


Easier than saying "The team from our city/state won!"


5 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

This brings me to my question: Why are you a fan? Whether of a team, or a sport in general

Then wrote:


43 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Let me give an example of the rabid fandom I'm talking about.

23 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

But I still haven't seen a good example of why the fandom.


You asked a question,  changed it after getting reasonable answers to your original question,  then say you didn't get an answer. 


The rabid,  in your face aggressive "fans" I don't get either.  Oh, I'll gig fans of teams I don't like,  or beat a team that I like,  but in fun. 

I've  been a Raiders fan since the '60s I still,  if I see someone wearing a Steelers shirt tell them,  "That ball hit the ground!"  The ones over 50 or so usually laugh and shake their heads.

13 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

You forget I said I love the game of baseball! I think it’s the best game ever! Isn’t that enough ? 

I understand the love of game, it's the love of a specific team that I don't get. It's not like they're your "Hometown" team, even though they play there. With one or two notable exceptions, the team members aren't from there. 

It's the same, if not more so, with college teams. These guys are, supposedly, there for school. Once that's done, they're going somewhere else. If I had a son playing there, it would be a totally different story, but when he moved on, so would I.

1 minute ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I understand the love of game, it's the love of a specific team that I don't get. It's not like they're your "Hometown" team, even though they play there. With one or two notable exceptions, the team members aren't from there. 

It's the same, if not more so, with college teams. These guys are, supposedly, there for school. Once that's done, they're going somewhere else. If I had a son playing there, it would be a totally different story, but when he moved on, so would I.

Wow, you just don’t get it at all! I’m done  with this!

2 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Easier than saying "The team from our city/state won!"

You asked a question,  changed it after getting reasonable answers to your original question,  then say you didn't get an answer. 

As I just posted, I can understand love of the game. I don't get team fandom. Nobody has responded with "I love XXX team because..." Maybe my question wasn't clear. but that's what I want to understand.

Just now, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

There’s no logical explanation. Might as well ask folks to explain their favorite color. 


3 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

There’s no logical explanation. Might as well ask folks to explain their favorite color. 


2 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:


Maybe I'll just have to live with that. And Rye, I still love ya.

5 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

       This brings me to my question: Why are you a fan? Whether of a team, or a sport in general.


I contemplated this for awhile, and I'm still not sure I have a good answer. To begin with my conclusion, I will say the reason people are fans of sports are many and varied, and the question is not easily answered, even by the fans themselves. That may be why you have received such negativity, because people can't explain it to themselves.

I too grew up in Columbus, and understand what you mean about the fans there. They can be overwhelming, to say the least. I will say that they are not the worst I've experienced. I've seen a Notre Dame fan throw a full beer through a TV when Michigan scored a touchdown. I've seen a Red Sox fan punch out windows when they lost to the Yankees. I will never, ever understand that level of fandom, or to be more precise, fanaticism.

Over the years I've enjoyed watching or listening to different sports, and have I have favorite teams and favorite athletes. Without being overly cliche, there can certainly be drama to sports. The competition, and the appreciation of athletes putting themselves completely into the sport, mentally and physically, at whatever level, can draw me in regardless of the sport. To be honest, I would generally prefer to see amateur sports than most professional sports anymore. Leaving politics out of the equation, the NFL and the NBA have become homogenous and boring to me. There is a reason baseball geeks can tell you how a player fared at bat against left handed pitchers in late innings in July. The slowness of the game lends itself to it. Having said that, I can enjoy listening to a Reds game on the radio.

Others do find the bonding experience, belonging to a group of like-minded fans appealing. I get that. I tend to not need to do that. I will end with a few videos, that may or may not explain why sports is appealing.

First, one never knows what may happen, and it may be truly amazing.


Second, the individual competition can be as intense as anything in life, and a story in itself.



Finally, it can be inspiring.



17 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I understand the love of game, it's the love of a specific team that I don't get. It's not like they're your "Hometown" team, even though they play there. With one or two notable exceptions, the team members aren't from there. 

It's the same, if not more so, with college teams. These guys are, supposedly, there for school. Once that's done, they're going somewhere else. If I had a son playing there, it would be a totally different story, but when he moved on, so would I.


Why not love a specific team? I'm a Reds fan because I grew up watching the Big Red Machine, and was amazed by them, their talent and success. I'm a Broncos fan because the guy that grew up across the street from me and was my brother's close friend, played for them for thirteen seasons. Whether it is an individual player someone identifies with, or because the team is from their home town or home state representing their locale, people like things because they are drawn to them. Why do you like a specific color? Why do you like a brand or model of car, or firearm over another that is arguably as good? It gets to the point that you have to accept that people are drawn to things simply out of personal preference, and that often defies explanation.

7 minutes ago, DocWard said:


Why not love a specific team? I'm a Reds fan because I grew up watching the Big Red Machine, and was amazed by them, their talent and success. I'm a Broncos fan because the guy that grew up across the street from me and was my brother's close friend, played for them for thirteen seasons. Whether it is an individual player someone identifies with, or because the team is from their home town or home state representing their locale, people like things because they are drawn to them. Why do you like a specific color? Why do you like a brand or model of car, or firearm over another that is arguably as good? It gets to the point that you have to accept that people are drawn to things simply out of personal preference, and that often defies explanation.

I love when the Indians play the Reds!! The Ohio cup!! :lol:

18 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

As I just posted, I can understand love of the game. I don't get team fandom. Nobody has responded with "I love XXX team because..." Maybe my question wasn't clear. but that's what I want to understand.


Again,  part way through this thread you changed the question. 

As stated in the original post,  "This brings me to my question: Why are you a fan? Whether of a team, or a sport in general"


"Whether a team or a sport in general."


Not "Why are you a rabid,  slavering, in your face fanatic for a particular team?"


Your original question has been answered in several ways by several people.   


I  think at least one person gave a reasonable answer to your 2nd question. 


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