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And tonight, for your viewing pleasure, Svengoolie will present a WESTERN~!!  :lol:


Curse Of the Undead





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In an Old West town, young girls are dying of a mysterious wasting disease. Dr. John Carter (John Hoyt) and his daughter Dolores (Kathleen Crowley) have been tending to patients for hours, but just lost another. After Preacher Dan Young's (Eric Fleming) nightlong vigil, Cora (Nancy Kilgas) looks like she will survive. During breakfast with Cora's parents (Alan Reynolds, Amzie Strickland), they hear Cora scream. Cora is found dead on her bed, her window open. As he kneels to pray, Dan notices two small, bloody holes in Cora's throat.

Returning to their ranch, Doc Carter finds his son Tim (Jimmy Murphy) extremely upset after the actions of their neighbor Buffer, including damming a stream on the Carter ranch and having his men assault anyone who complains. Doc drives back into town to see the local sheriff (Edward Binns). The Sheriff's discussion with Buffer (Bruce Gordon) proves unsuccessful, however, and a black-clad stranger (Michael Pate) follows Doc Carter's buckboard. By the time he gets home, the Doc is dead, his throat bloody. Grief-stricken, Tim snaps after learning a fence has been torn down and cattle are escaping. Convinced Buffer is responsible, Tim goes after him and is killed by Buffer. Dolores hangs up "Gun Wanted" posters all over town, offering $100 to anyone who can gun down the "murderer"; After the stranger promises to kill Buffer, one of the rancher's men shoots at the stranger. As the stranger leaves, Buffer sacks the man despite his insisting he hit his target dead center.

The stranger, calling himself Drake Robey, arrives at the Carter ranch. He reacts to a thorn cross on a button worn by Dan. When asked, Dan says it was an ordination gift; the thorn coming from the site of the Crucifixion. Despite Dan's protests, Dolores hires Robey. He moves into the house, and that night, Robey sneaks into Dolores' room and drinks some of her blood. Next morning, Dan finds Dolores looking tired, complaining of cold and very compliant. Dolores and Dan spend the day looking for her father's will. They find a map showing the property had once belonged to a Spanish family, the Robles, sold it suffering "some kind of tragedy". Dan takes the paperwork, including a locked safety box, home with him to continue the search. After Dan leaves, Robey comes to see Dolores and he talks Dolores into hiring him as a night range-rider who can keep an eye on Buffer and his men. She offers him the cemetery caretaker's cottage to stay in if he doesn't mind being near the dead; Robey says "The dead don't bother me – it's the living that causes me trouble."

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16 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

I just noticed that the tables in the saloon scene have match holders like the ones mentioned in this thread 



Thanks for noticing. Probably part of Hollywood's western prop department but I have become fond of them.

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