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             This happened today..I was on the side of  a no call.

Pistols were last..first pistol shot from table  C'..2nd pistol from table D'

Shooter shot first pistol & then placed it on the table, moved to next table & when finished moved back to other pistol, reholstered & then to UT...I know that we can put the pistol on the table, the discussion was can you do it when you move to another posiition to complete the pistols.

FWIW the shooter was given a no call.

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Revolvers were both holstered at the end of the 10-shot shooting string.


Revolvers are returned to leather (re-holstered in a safe condition) at the conclusion of the shooting string, unless the stage description specifically directs otherwise (e.g., “move to the next position and set gun on table or prop”).

A shooting string is defined as shots from one type of firearm prior to the next type of firearm engaged.

SHB p.14



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Thanks PWB...I Just wanted to make sure so that others present on the day now no that the correct decision was made.. my  post may be   locked.

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