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Don't Judge Too Quickly...


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I'm doing this on my phone. The keyboard is little and you have to type with one finger. That is a pain.


Generally I push the little microphone icon and just speak my message.


About half the time that I say the word AND otto will write IN.


EVERY time I say IN, he writes AND.


That is why my previous post does not say "...cat AND the spaghetti sauce", which is what I said.



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Once upon a time a little bird decided that he would not fly South in the fall with the other birds.

"It is nice and warm, there are plenty of seeds to eat, I shall stay here while all of you work so hard to fly South?" He said.

As the days grew shorter they grew colder.  Soon all of the seeds from summer time were eaten or had been covered by leaves.

Cold and hungry, the little bird flew South to join his friends.

It started to rain and the rain turned to sleet.  The little bird flew on as long as he could, but finally his wings were covered with ice and he could fly no more.

He fell to the ground in the middle of a large field.,  Cold, wet, hungry and miserable he lay there shivering and waiting to die. 

Then a cow walked over him, and as it did it dropped a great big steaming mass of cow poop on him.

"This is absolutely the end!" He thought. 

But then an amazing thing happened: 

The heat from the cow poop melted the ice and warmed his body.  There were seeds from the plants the cow had eaten in the poop and the little bird was able to fill his stomach for the first time in days.  Warm and well fed, he was so happy he began to sing.

The farmer's cat heard him singing, went over and pulled him out of the cow poop and ate him.


This story has three morals:

1) everyone who poops on you is not your enemy;

2) everyone who gets you out of the poop is not your friend;

3) if you are warm and happy in a pile of poop keep your mouth shut!



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