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Dillon Powder Measure for 550, 650, 750 out of stock everywhere

Max Payne

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I needed another powder measure for my 650 & could not find any place on the internet who wasn't in backorder. But, I did find that many do have the 1050 powder measure in stock. I had recently found out that the only difference in these is that the 1050 comes with a heat treated die & costs about $5 additional = $94.95.

Ben Stoeger Pro Shop had them in stock, as well as a couple of other goodies I wanted - UniqueTek  powder baffle ($10), & the quick release for the measure ($26). He assured me they would ship next day at the latest.


Anyway, if you need a powder measure for your 550, 650, 750, if you don't want to wait for a backorder, & if you don't mind paying an extra $5 for the heat-treated die, you can probably buy the 1050 measure many places. I got mine https://benstoegerproshop.com/



Do you already have a powder hpper for your press?

As a commercial reloaded in a former life, I have a few hoppers but I had a shelf full of the powder charge bars.

I would get one set for a specific powder charge and powder and mark the end of the bar.

Instead of changing complete powder hoppers, I would just change the charge bar to what I needed.  

1 minutes and I could remove a charge bar and slide in the other.


Be sure to empty the powder hopper first.

Another 1 or 2 minute job.





Max Payne... Tnx for this post. I have been looking for a Dillon die that I couldn't find. They had it, I got it. 





I looked over the Mark 7 at SHOT.  Have been thinking about one for 3 years. Decided I don't load enough to justify it. BUT if I were starting over I would have one.  LOVE the automatic primer system.

21 hours ago, Cliff Hanger #3720LR said:

Do you already have a powder hpper for your press?

As a commercial reloaded in a former life, I have a few hoppers but I had a shelf full of the powder charge bars.

I would get one set for a specific powder charge and powder and mark the end of the bar.

Instead of changing complete powder hoppers, I would just change the charge bar to what I needed.  

1 minutes and I could remove a charge bar and slide in the other.


Be sure to empty the powder hopper first.

Another 1 or 2 minute job.




Thanks for info on change bar for different settings, great time saver and back pocket.


Unique Tek sells a drain and change tool for Dillon powder measures. 


The charge bar idea is a good one. But, I must admit I'd rather leave the powder in the hopper. I use TG for 38's, app for BP, CleanShot for 32's. And, I have different powder hopper quick-change setups for 6 different combinations, including hot loads. I like the idea of the Mark 7, but I don't want to lose the feel of different bad things that happen, like primer not seating properly, split case, stainless pin in the case that I didn't get out when cleaning, 32 case dropping when making 38's, etc.


Rather than buying a charge bar for every caliber & load you reload on the press buy the Uniquetek micrometer conversions for the Dillon charge bars.  For a size you don't have buy the micrometer charge bar.   That way unless you are changing from a calibers & the change requires a different size charge bar you don't have to drain the powder bin.  Within a year of purchasing my XL650 I bought the conversion kit & when I started reloading 380ACP I bought the small bar with micrometer.


I'd sure want to see one of those Mark 7s actually loading ammo before I plunked down $9,000.  I catch a lot of problems when I feel something isn't right on the 650.   Going automated sounds like a recipe for disaster.   Maybe if Max will buy one first...


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