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Stage Description

Painted Mohawk SASS 77785

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Creeker, go where you want. It's called a choice. But neither you or the Captain asked if we did anything about the confusion between hands or hand. Since we clarified the situation and directed stage writers to use hand or hands to insure there would be no misunderstanding the issue had never come up again. I used my example as a means to ambiguity in how words are applied.

Enjoy Utah you'll be missing one of the best shoots in Nevada. We apply the SASS rules and keep up to date wiht whatever interpretations come up. This was one of the interpretations that came up a few years ago.

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22 hours ago, Painted Mohawk SASS 77785 said:


I asked if I could hold with one hand & place my other hand over the reload bullet [ while still in the loop ]..I was denied.


Hey!! I'm with you ... Everytime I see "shotgun in-hand" in a stage description ... 

I hold my SXS w/ one hand and drape the other hand over a pair of shotshells ... AND ... the TO doesn't even speak anymore ... just cocks his head and gives me "the look"!! s10.gif.5e7cf18edf53103a7c4a3fb588399894.gif

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Captain I pushed back because rather than asking how we resolved the confusion you assumed that we continued to use hand instead of hands. You immediately went into a grammar lesson. I used the sentence where hand implied the use of hands. Thats all. I wasn't asked if we did anything else. Which we did.

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21 minutes ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

Captain I pushed back because rather than asking how we resolved the confusion you assumed that we continued to use hand instead of hands. You immediately went into a grammar lesson. I used the sentence where hand implied the use of hands. Thats all. I wasn't asked if we did anything else. Which we did.

I pushed back because I interpreted your response to Creeker as snarky even though he gave you the widely accepted definition.  I meant no harm, but on the other hand I didn't feel that response was justified given he was giving you an honest, and correct answer. 


I think you're free to use words however you want to, but if your usage differs from what is widely used it will cause confusion.

35 minutes ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

So if the instructions say: Start in doorway with rifle in hand...do I have to hold my rifle with only one hand?

Not sure, I've always thought that both definitions can restrict what the shooter wants to do.  For example, hands on pistols might not make a cross draw shooter happy whereas a gunfighter would probably like it.  Rifle in hand, literally interpreted wouldn't be my preferred approach, I would prefer in hands.


I don't write stages anymore, thankfully, but when I did if I meant singular I said hand and if I meant plural I said hands.  If I wanted the shooter to have the option I said hand(s).  I've never written a stage that said 'rifle in hand' as I know some of our older shooters with 73s might have a problem with that.


Just the view from my saddle, YMMV.

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51 minutes ago, Painted Mohawk SASS 77785 said:

Ah ..with pen in' hand ' I will end this conversation..thanks for the input Pards.

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