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What is a shamwow?


(Never trust someone who gives you the “high sign“ all the time.)


Cat Brules

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18 minutes ago, Cat Brules said:

What is a shamwow?


(Never trust someone who gives you the “high sign“ all the time.)


Cat Brules

It is a synthetic chamois this soaks up 30 times its own weight in liquid.


I've used them. Work pretty damn good.


If someone with the plague sneezed in my face, I don't think I would like a mask that informs 30 times its own weight in liquid. Instead of deflecting all those plague germs, it would soak them up, and then hold them right up in front of my face.

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THAT is why the cautionary message is that when you wear a mask, it really protects those around you, not you.


So, when those around us aren’t wearing masks, we should get away from them immediately.

 Cat Brules

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