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Mr. BulletFeeder – Follow-up......

Max Payne

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You know what they call a medical student who graduates at the bottom of his class? They call him “Doctor”. He may not be the smartest or the quickest, but he got it done. That’s how I feel about my accomplishment with the Mr. BulletFeeder. I got it done, & it’s working (currently), even though others probably have done it much quicker & with fewer problems.


I’d be embarrassed to tell you how long I’ve had it (okay, I bought it 9/17/17). Once I got it running it appeared it was a product that would run well enough to keep you interested, but not to be perfect. It occasionally loaded a bullet upside down. It got jams in the dropper. It failed to drop a bullet from time to time. The hopper would turn when I added bullets, spilling 300 or so bullets onto the bench, the 1050, & the floor. But, when it ran 15 or 20 bullets without an issue, it was fast, & it kept me engaged. Kind of like bass fishing when you catch one every 1 or two hours - just enough to keep you in it.


I would like to believe I have done everything that can be done wrong, which would mean I don’t have another mistake coming at some inopportune time. This is probably not the case. However, I just loaded 200 bullets fast enough that I had to wait on the case-feeder several times, so I was pretty happy with my possible current success.


Since I bought mine in 2017, I got the old mounting setup with the round puck looking things. Getting all of that adjusted is enough to put a person in an asylum, but I eventually got a version of it to work. Later, they came out with a new & improved version, which I bought, but had it hanging on the wall for at least 6 months because I wanted to load bullets, not work on stuff.


When I first got the feeder on 9/18/17, I called Dillon for some help. They told me they didn’t know anything about it yet & that I needed to call Rick Koskela for help. During the conversation, it turned out that Rick was the inventor of the bullet feeder, & it was an entertaining conversation as he described how he thought up the product, & how he worked out each of the problems he encountered, such as how to make all of the bullets come out right side up. He clued me in that the brass piece on the dropper assembly wasn’t heavy enough to drop & keep the entire column of bullets dropping at one time. It needs a spring or rubber band setup, or added weight to make it drop correctly. So, I rigged something up that worked. I think the manufacturer should come up with a solution to ship with the product, like a professional-looking spring assembly, or something.


Since then, I’ve learned the ball bearings go in the lower holes, & the spring clip goes in the lower position (for 38 special). It’ll work otherwise intermittently, but with problems if either is in the wrong position. Also, when I would have jams in the dropper due to the bearings being in the wrong position, I would sometimes clear the jam by sticking a small screwdriver up thru the passage. I eventually figured out I had caused an almost invisible burr by doing this. When I got that taken care of, all was well as to the jams.


I replaced the old mounting setup with the round puck things with the newer bracket setup I bought. It would work for awhile, but then when adding new bullets, it would pivot & drop 300 or so bullets everywhere. I figured out I had the star washer on the wrong side, which when corrected, fixed the problem. I must not have been thinking the day I assembled that one.


The plate will easily go into the hopper upside down. Of course, all of the little grooves & such that guide the bullets correctly can’t do their job. So, it works some, & doesn’t work some. I recommend running this part right-side-up.


If I had known the learning curve I would have to go thru, I’m not sure I would have bought the product originally. But, now that I’ve gone thru the process & it’s running fast enough to outrun my case-feeder, I’m pretty happy with the end-result. I can really turn out a high volume of bullets in a very short period of time.


I don’t think my demonstrated personal capabilities will let me attempt an auto-drive, but kudos to you who have been able to make those work.



I have had the feeder for about 2 years now and I also had my share of problems, especially for the smaller calibers.  For the smaller caliber bullets I needed to rig up a spring assist to the seating unit.  I have included a picture of it. I found that the 45 cal. set up will also work for my 44-40 loading.  I have had my share of upside down bullets because the adjustment for this feature is very touchy, but I feel I have it figured out.

When it is working right it is great and helps me load a lot faster. Good luck with the unit I hope it will work well for you.




This reminds me that in 50 years of reloading, I finally realized that the most important

element of reloading is  never get in a hurry or rush.   Especially with a progressive



I have been frustrated for couple years with many of the same problems that MP & NCD experienced.  I dealt with the upside down bullets and the occasional bullet that would fall over the edge of hopper.  Then, the little jams because a bullet got by the drop tube seemed to get worse which was frustrating although easy to correct when standing on a stool.  All the faults whether, mine or theirs, mount up to time lost in trying ones best to keep a smooth, no interference, flow going.  The last straw was recently when I began getting low charges and one to many squibs (does not take but about one or two) from my well used, designated for smokeless, 1050.  I searched for a reason not really wanting to blame the Mr BF however, MBF does require more belling of cases than I would normally desire.  Understand I load lots of cases that have been loaded many, many times, so very susceptible to splitting when stressed as I was doing with the MBF.  I did not use powder check with MBF because I , personally, prefer to have separate dies for seating and crimping. I came to conclusion, right or wrong, that because I was getting these splits I was often not getting proper movement of powder bar, lets call it "short stroking", thus improper, or no,  powder charges.  Again all time consuming to pull split case from press, dump out powder if any there and worse get bullet out, then continue.  As mentioned, a perfect flow of 100 or so is so satisfying but when majority of time this does not happen then the time factor comes into play.  I have now gone back to simple hand feeding of bullet and a powder check.  Result is certainly less loaded ammo per loading period, IF THE MBF WAS PERFECT, but more "peace-of-mind"  with loaded ammo. 

54 minutes ago, Billy Boots, # 20282 LTG-Regulator said:

I have been frustrated for couple years with many of the same problems that MP & NCD experienced.  I dealt with the upside down bullets and the occasional bullet that would fall over the edge of hopper.  Then, the little jams because a bullet got by the drop tube seemed to get worse which was frustrating although easy to correct when standing on a stool.  All the faults whether, mine or theirs, mount up to time lost in trying ones best to keep a smooth, no interference, flow going.  The last straw was recently when I began getting low charges and one to many squibs (does not take but about one or two) from my well used, designated for smokeless, 1050.  I searched for a reason not really wanting to blame the Mr BF however, MBF does require more belling of cases than I would normally desire.  Understand I load lots of cases that have been loaded many, many times, so very susceptible to splitting when stressed as I was doing with the MBF.  I did not use powder check with MBF because I , personally, prefer to have separate dies for seating and crimping. I came to conclusion, right or wrong, that because I was getting these splits I was often not getting proper movement of powder bar, lets call it "short stroking", thus improper, or no,  powder charges.  Again all time consuming to pull split case from press, dump out powder if any there and worse get bullet out, then continue.  As mentioned, a perfect flow of 100 or so is so satisfying but when majority of time this does not happen then the time factor comes into play.  I have now gone back to simple hand feeding of bullet and a powder check.  Result is certainly less loaded ammo per loading period, IF THE MBF WAS PERFECT, but more "peace-of-mind"  with loaded ammo. 

Hey, Billy! Each of us decides our own likes & dislikes. Having said that, I wouldn't shoot rifle bullets in any match that haven't been powder checked & chamber checked. I actually look at the powder checker pointer on every pull to minimize any errors. I do have to use the combo seat & crimp die. Hope I don't jinx myself by saying I haven't had a squib or split case in a match in about 6 years since I powder & chamber check rifle rounds. The Mr. Bullet Feeder is running great now, but it was a long, painful road. When the virus isn't around, Ophelia & I shoot 5 matches a month, + practice. If anyone tries the bullet feeder & needs some help, send a PM, & I'll attempt to give you the benefit of learning everything the hard way.




I'm glad you got your problems worked out and hopefully you won't have anymore BUT, you've had enough problems that I don't think I need one.

1 hour ago, Max Payne said:

Hey, Billy! Each of us decides our own likes & dislikes. Having said that, I wouldn't shoot rifle bullets in any match that haven't been powder checked & chamber checked. I actually look at the powder checker pointer on every pull to minimize any errors. I do have to use the combo seat & crimp die. Hope I don't jinx myself by saying I haven't had a squib or split case in a match in about 6 years since I powder & chamber check rifle rounds. The Mr. Bullet Feeder is running great now, but it was a long, painful road. When the virus isn't around, Ophelia & I shoot 5 matches a month, + practice. If anyone tries the bullet feeder & needs some help, send a PM, & I'll attempt to give you the benefit of learning everything the hard way.

I know PC is best but got away from one when using lube bullets that had to much lube as shaved lube would build up and I would discover OAL to short.  Anyway, happy with checking process now although I have long time had habit of checking rifle rounds of even tiny splits and using chamber gauging of some sort.  This process was emphasized with Sassy's shooting as I sure did not want her to experience a rifle jam.

We are all missing that match time for sure.  I am fortunate to live quit rural on ranch with shooting range perfect for CAS practice and other enjoyable shooting.  

3 hours ago, Billy Boots, # 20282 LTG-Regulator said:

I know PC is best but got away from one when using lube bullets that had to much lube as shaved lube would build up and I would discover OAL to short.  Anyway, happy with checking process now although I have long time had habit of checking rifle rounds of even tiny splits and using chamber gauging of some sort.  This process was emphasized with Sassy's shooting as I sure did not want her to experience a rifle jam.

We are all missing that match time for sure.  I am fortunate to live quit rural on ranch with shooting range perfect for CAS practice and other enjoyable shooting.  

Billy, I understand keeping the Missus trouble free. I work pretty hard to minimize any bad happenings for Ophelia. She's scary when she has something bad happen at a match!

5 hours ago, Ocoee Red #31751 said:



I'm glad you got your problems worked out and hopefully you won't have anymore BUT, you've had enough problems that I don't think I need one.

I don't know about that, Red. I think you do need one.


Thanks for the information Max.  You've just convinced me that I do not need a Mr. Bullet feeder.  I'll just continue to put the bullets on one at a time.  I can still easily crank out 500+ per hour doing it the "hard" way.  I seem to have lots of spare time on my hands lately anyway.


Thanks for this post Max. You saved me a ton of money and untold frustration. I still load 7 pistol calibers on 2 single stage presses and an old Lyman 55 powder measure.

After reading this any thoughts of getting a progressive/automated tool of  any kind have been put out of my mind forever!  :lol:




8 hours ago, Badlands Bob #61228 said:

Thanks for the information Max.  You've just convinced me that I do not need a Mr. Bullet feeder.  I'll just continue to put the bullets on one at a time.  I can still easily crank out 500+ per hour doing it the "hard" way.  I seem to have lots of spare time on my hands lately anyway.

I’m with you Bob. KISS always. I tried using a Mrs. Bullet Feeder, but it didn’t work out. I kept getting complaints about me going to fast, smudged fingertips, it’s boring, why does it matter which way the bullets go, ad nauseum. I eventually gave up and decided that Mrs. Bullet Feeder’s place was in the kitchen and I would feed my own bullets. Marital bliss was quickly reestablished. 

11 hours ago, Max Payne said:

Billy, I understand keeping the Missus trouble free. I work pretty hard to minimize any bad happenings for Ophelia. She's scary when she has something bad happen at a match!

Exactly.  and when one of them scary things happens bet I know who she is looking at..".if you catch my drift".  Speaking from personal experience you understand.  

6 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

I’m with you Bob. KISS always. I tried using a Mrs. Bullet Feeder, but it didn’t work out. I kept getting complaints about me going to fast, smudged fingertips, it’s boring, why does it matter which way the bullets go, ad nauseum. I eventually gave up and decided that Mrs. Bullet Feeder’s place was in the kitchen and I would feed my own bullets. Marital bliss was quickly reestablished. 

Yep, been there.  :blink:


Even with the  occasional snafu i will continue to use it.  My Hammer thumb is weak (old and arthritis) so i don't want to pinch 1000's of rounds per month. 

I'm able to detect low powder charges with an H.a.b x-ray detector,  it shows case volume on a 6x8 screen. It also has an adjustable Audible sensor to detect low charges. 

Hells Comin 

  • Max Payne changed the title to Mr. BulletFeeder – Follow-up......

Okay, I need to be fair to the Mr. Bullet Feeder people with this follow-up.


I must have passed the final, grueling test to get my Mr. Bullet Feeder certification. Since my posts above, the thing has been running like a scalded dog! I average 5 minutes to run a hundred bullets, including the occasional fixit that has to be done, like a bullet falling off of a shell casing before it's seated, or seeing a split case, or whatever. And, that's running at a steady pace, not trying to see how fast I can do it. Sometimes I make a hundred bullets in 3 1/2 minutes. It has run 1600 or so bullets in the 9 days since my original post with almost no problems.


I've just about forgotten about the initiation I had to live thru. And, I'm sure there are lots of cowboys who would have gotten it dialed in much quicker than I did. I think I could set one up pretty fast now. The newer bracket they came out with to mount on the case feeder (not the one with the round balls) is a must have if you decide to get one of these.

On 4/11/2020 at 9:46 AM, Billy Boots, # 20282 LTG-Regulator said:

Exactly.  and when one of them scary things happens bet I know who she is looking at..".if you catch my drift".  Speaking from personal experience you understand.  

Ophelia was enjoying a clean match one time while running great times on about the 4th stage or so, when she pulled the trigger on the SKB & got a big "whoosh", instead of the usual BANG!! The entire posse turned around & looked straight at me, like it was my fault just because I was the one who loaded the shotshells! I speculated that maybe she didn't pull the trigger hard enough, but that didn't seem to help the situation.

On 4/19/2020 at 1:13 PM, Max Payne said:

I average 5 minutes to run a hundred bullets, including the occasional fixit that has to be done, like a bullet falling off of a shell casing before it's seated, or seeing a split case, or whatever. And, that's running at a steady pace, not trying to see how fast I can do it. Sometimes I make a hundred bullets in 3 1/2 minutes.

If I ran my 650 that fast, manually putting bullets on the cases, I would have a 38 caliber hole in my thumb.  Gunfighters need both of their thumbs.

On 4/19/2020 at 1:13 PM, Max Payne said:

Okay, I need to be fair to the Mr. Bullet Feeder people with this follow-up.


I must have passed the final, grueling test to get my Mr. Bullet Feeder certification. Since my posts above, the thing has been running like a scalded dog! I average 5 minutes to run a hundred bullets, including the occasional fixit that has to be done, like a bullet falling off of a shell casing before it's seated, or seeing a split case, or whatever. And, that's running at a steady pace, not trying to see how fast I can do it. Sometimes I make a hundred bullets in 3 1/2 minutes. It has run 1600 or so bullets in the 9 days since my original post with almost no problems.


I've just about forgotten about the initiation I had to live thru. And, I'm sure there are lots of cowboys who would have gotten it dialed in much quicker than I did. I think I could set one up pretty fast now. The newer bracket they came out with to mount on the case feeder (not the one with the round balls) is a must have if you decide to get one of these.

You got me to thinking Max.  How fast could I reload 100 bullets on my 650, not counting sorting brass, loading primer tubes, just running the 650.  After a few runs I've concluded that the best I can hope for while manually placing bullets is about 5.5 minutes for 100 rounds.  Nowhere close to the 3.5 minutes you're averaging.  Darn those short-stroked Dillons!

On 4/19/2020 at 1:20 PM, Max Payne said:

Ophelia was enjoying a clean match one time while running great times on about the 4th stage or so, when she pulled the trigger on the SKB & got a big "whoosh", instead of the usual BANG!! The entire posse turned around & looked straight at me, like it was my fault just because I was the one who loaded the shotshells! I speculated that maybe she didn't pull the trigger hard enough, but that didn't seem to help the situation.

Yep, that's Widder's explanation, pulling the trigger harder also makes the bullet go faster too! :lol:




I must been the exception to the rule. I bought the  KISS Bulletfeeder from the inventor I had it set up for MG 124 gr. 9mm bullets on a 650 I Was shooting USPSA at the time. The unit was constructed of PVC pipe and looked kind of home made. That being said I followed the instructions ( there is a first time for everything) and I can truly say this thing worked from day one.  I don’t currently use it as it doesn’t like cast bullets and I started loading 38 special. It doesn’t look as cool as the new one but I prefer function over form.


I have had a MBF for a couple of  years and got the same frustration when setting it up, but once I followed the instructions to the letter and fiddled with it for a while I got it running up to speed.  I appreciated it enough that I bought a second one for the other 650.  One set for large primer cartridges and the other for the small primers.  Once they are set they are good to go,  but the adjustments are very fussy.

On 4/10/2020 at 1:12 PM, Max Payne said:



You know what they call a medical student who graduates at the bottom of his class? They call him “Doctor”. He may not be the smartest or the quickest, but he got it done. That’s how I feel about my accomplishment with the Mr. BulletFeeder....


Thank you for taking the time to post your experience.  I've been tempted to purchase one but just couldn't accept the price.


Hubby (bullet boy) bought one and liked it so well he bought another. He has never complained about them other than he had problems with DE Wad Cutters, which I used as pistol ammo. So, he quit loading them. Now, alas, I have to mark either my pistol or rifle ammo (both Truncated Cone) to tell them apart. LOL! ;)


The really B) thing about one is that you can reload one-handed with your off hand. GF you can ignore that comment. Those of you with peripheral neuropathy or other hand issues with your strong-side hand, heed that comment.

On 4/24/2020 at 10:43 AM, Matthew Duncan said:


Thank you for taking the time to post your experience.  I've been tempted to purchase one but just couldn't accept the price.

You are welcome. If you do decide to get one & have any questions or run into problems, there's a good chance I'll know the answer from learning it the hard way. Feel free to PM &/or call.


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