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The way it is !!

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Howdy all.....Thought you might like to read a typical response  from one of our State police ministers in regard to self protection.

It was after a farmer escorted a drugged up fellon off his property with an unloaded .22  [ stupid ] to waiting police at his front gate. He was later charged & his gun license was taken..yep that's what I said..eventually he got off but went thru a lot of hassle.

Our gun laws just plain suck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope the attachments work..first is my letter

                                                         2nd is the reply...

Self Defence.eml Your correspondence to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.eml

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Hopefully, enough voters in both our countries will wake up to the dangers presented by taking away self defense rights and the tools to enforce those rights.

I keep remembering the "Punishment by Process" inflicted on Ian Thompson here in Canada when miscreants tried to burn him alive in his own home.


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5 hours ago, Loophole LaRue, SASS #51438 said:

When the laws are designed to produce polite responses to criminals at the expense of innocent law-abiding citizens, it's time for some new laws.


In a nation of historically rugged individualists, where did the nansy-pansy attitude come from?



The Port Arthur mass shooting of ‘96 and the response of left wing politicians.

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10 minutes ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

Actually ..... I think it was right wing politicians that did it .... with NO objections from the left (except maybe "not harsh enough")


We’ll just say panicky politicians. ;)

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