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how to make catsup

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 458. Walnut Catsup.-—Take three half sieves\of walnut shells, put them into a tub, mix them up well with common salt, about a pound and a half. Let them stand six days, frequently beating and washing them; by this time the shells become soft and pulpy; then by banking them up on one side of the tub, raising the tub on the same side, the” liquor will run clear off to the other; then take that liquor out. The mashing and banking may be repeated as long as any liquor" runs. The quantity will be about three quarts. Simmer it in an iron pot as long as any scum rises; then add two ounces of allspice, two ounces of ginger,‘bruised, one ounce of long pepper, one ounce of cloves, with the above articles; let it boil slowly for half an hour; when bottled, take care that an equal quantity of spice goes into each bottle; let the bottles be quite filled up, cork them tight, and seal them over. Put them into a cool and dry place, for one year before they are used. .
459. Oyster Catsup.—-Take fine large fresh oysters, open them carefully, and wash them in their own liquor, to take any particle of shell that may remain, strain the liquor after. Pound the oysters in a mortar, add the liquor, and to every pint put a pint of sherry, boil it up and skim, then add two anchovies, pounded, an ounce of common salt, two drachms of pounded mace, and one of cayenne. Let it boil up, skim it, and rub it through a sieve. Bottle it when cold, and seal it. What remains in the sieve will do for oyster sauce.
460. Cockle and Muscle Catsup.—The same way as oyster catsup.
461. lVIushroom Catsup.-—The juice of mushrooms approaches the nature and flavour of gravy meat more than other vegetable juices. Dr. Kitchiner sets a high value, and not without reason, up0n good mushroom catsup, “ a couple of quarts of which,” he says, “ will save some score pounds of meat, besides a vast deal of time and trouble.” The best method of extracting the essence of mushrooms, is that which leaves behind the least quantity of water. In all essences, it is quality, not quantity, to which we ought to look. An excess of aqueous fluid in essences renders them less capable of keeping; while in flavouring sauces, &c. a small quantity is sufficient, so that by this means you do’not interfere with the thickness or consistency of the thing flavoured. Mushrooms, that is, field mushrooms, begin to come in about September. There are several varieties of these fungi, and they differ very much, both in their wholesomeness and flavour. The best and finest flavoured mushrooms are those which grow spontane- ously upon rich, dry, old pasture land. The following is the mode of making good mushroom catsup, or, as Dr. Kitchiner calls it, “ double catsup.” . Take mushrooms of the right sort, fresh gathered and full grown, but not maggoty or putrescent; put a layer of these at the bottom of a deep earthen pan, andsprinkle them with salt; then put another layer of mushrooms, sprinkle more salt on them, and so on alternately, mushroom. and salt. Let them remain two or three hours, by which base the salt will have penetrated the mushrooms, and have made them. easy to break; then pound them in a mortar, or break them well with your hands; then let them remain in this state for two days, not more, mashing them well once or twice a day; then pour them into a stone jar, and to each quart add an ounce and a half of whole black pepper, and half an ounce of allspice; stop the jar very close, and set it in a saucepan or stew-pan of boiling water, and keep it boiling for two hours at least. Take out the jar, and pour the juice clear from the settlings, through a hair sieve into a clean stew-pan. Let it boil very gently for half an hour; but to make good or double catsup, it should boil gently till the mushroom juipe is reduced to half the quan- tity, or, in other words, till the more aqueous part is evaporated ; then skim it well, and pour it into a clean dry jar or jug; cover it close, and let it stand in a cool place till next day, then pour it off as gently as possible (so as not to disturb-the settlings at the bottom of the jug,) through a tamis, or thick flannel bag, till it is perfectly clear; add a table-spoonful of good unflavoured spirits (brandy is dear and not a whit better than common spirits of wine of equal strength) to each pint 0f catsup, and let it stand as before. A fresh sediment will be deposited, from which the catsup is to be poured ofl' gently, and hot- ~ tled in half pints, washed with spirit. Small bottles are best, as they are sooner used, and the catsu p, if uncorked often, is apt to spoil. The cork of each bottle ought to be sealed or dipped in bottle cement. Keep it in a dry cool place; it will soon spoil if kept damp. If any pellicle or skin should appear upon it when in the bottle, boil it up again with a few peppercorns. It is a question with us, whether it would not be‘best to dispense with the spice altogether, and give an addition of spirits. When a number of articles are added to the cat- sup, such as difl'erent spices, garlic, eschalot, anchovy, &c. &c., the flavour of the mushroom is overpowered, and it ceases to be, properly speaking, mushroom catsup. _
462. Mushroom Catsup without Spice is made thus :—Sprinkle a little saltover your mushrooms. Three hours after, mash them; next day, strain off the liquor, and boil it till it is reduced to half. ' Tt'will not keep long, but an artificial mushroom bed will supply sufficien forgiis, the very best of mushroom catsup, all the year round.
463. Mushroom Powder may be made of the refuse of the mush- rooms, after they have been squeezed, by drying them well in a dutch oven, or otherwise, and then reducing them to powder. If the mush- rooms themselves are dried and pounded, the powder will be much stronger. Tincture or essence of mushrooms, we apprehend, might be made, by steeping dried mushrooms in spirits.
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