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Most difficult thing to explain...

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4 hours ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

I think the most difficult thing to explain to someone from the 1950s would be the presidential candidates of the 2020s.

I'm from the 1940's, and the things I've seen in politics haven't changed that much. But there are a lot of things that really tick me off and sadden me:

The dropping of civics/American government classes in many of our schools. (If the majority of voters knew how the three branches of government work, they'd have laughed all the candidates from all the parties off the stages for about the last dozen elections!)  I've said since I was old enough to vote (at 21), just once I'd like to vote for someone who isn't the lesser of two evils! :(


The really nasty violence in many of our movies and TV programs, that has desensitized many people (especially kids) to violence.  Seeing how disturbed kids are taking guns into schools to hurt their classmates, instead of taking their guns into a school where the local police were running NRA gun safety courses. The lack of advances in mental health for some kids and some adults as well.


OTOH, I've seen the advances in medicine, a lot coming from the space program, that have meant the difference between life and death for many of us, including my wife! (In 1947, the general public couldn't even get penicillin...the military hadn't released it yet...so all I had for my scarlet fever was liquid sulfa! Yech!)

So, it's a mixed bag.   Just remember, "In olden days, a glimpse of stocking was something shocking.  Now, Heaven knows...anything goes!"

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4 hours ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

I think the most difficult thing to explain to someone from the 1950s would be the presidential candidates of the 2020s.

I think that and all the other misfits, idiots, criminals, etc that are running for office and the amazing percentage that get elected....over and over again.

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Just now, Trailrider #896 said:

The really nasty violence in many of our movies and TV programs, that has desensitized many people (especially kids) to violence.  Seeing how disturbed kids are taking guns into schools to hurt their classmates, instead of taking their guns into a school where the local police were running NRA gun safety courses. The lack of advances in mental health for some kids and some adults as well.


I agree with this. If someone from the 1950s were to see the movies and TV shows we have today, to say nothing of the lyrics in songs they would be absolutely shocked.

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My father Blue Boy sass 46773 cant see the tv very well and his hearing is about shot. He is 100 years old, when i tell him what is going on in this country he tells me to stop. he doesnt want to know.


Imis  I want to know less every day too

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I was born in 51 and here are a couple things that startle me today:


1. cell phone type of communications.   This was 'Buck Rogers' stuff back then, along with

Dick Tracey phone watch.


2. Inflation.   In the 50's, you could buy 3 candy bars or 3 packs of gum for 10-cents  (or 5-cents each).

10 oz (or 12) Pepsi/Coke was less than 10-cents.

You get the picture.




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How low the quality of TV shows has fallen! :angry:


Image result for father knows best    to     image.png.94bdd2391348966838b66cd1396c1dc6.png



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If someone from the 50’s suddenly appeared in front of me the most difficult  thing I would have to explain is why I am highjacking their machine and leaving them here. 

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I would tell the time traveler that the traditional family unit as he knows it has, for the most part, disintegrated and is vastly different from that which exists in his time.


I would also have to tell him that education, as he knows it, no longer focuses on true educational skills and has declined into system has become a tool to teach left wing political values.  Also, I would tell him that the political system is recognizable and in many ways the same as in the 1950s, but that the 2 major parties are wildly different today than it is in his time.


Then, of course, I’d have to break the news and explain about transgender-ism and such.


Cat Brules

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