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TTN Firing Pin Issue

Texas ShaDi

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Yesterday while attempting to shoot my 1st stage my TTN failed to fire. I checked and realized the firing pins where not moving freely. I removed the nuts holding them in place and had to drive them out. I sanded, cleaned and oiled them. Then reinstalled them with the same result. Even swapped them from side to side with the same result. Any thoughts? Only thing I haven't tried was reaming out the pin bores.

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52 minutes ago, Texas ShaDi said:

 Only thing I haven't tried was reaming out the pin bores.

I think that would be the next logical step. With the pins cleaned it sounds like there's enough gunk in the bores to be an issue. 

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Is this a new-to-you shotgun?  Have you used it before?  


Okay, so I don’t know know what the pins or the bores look like.  You’ll get the idea.  AVOID reaming out the pin bores.


BEFORE I removed any metal from your shotgun (reaming out the firing pin “bores”), I would drench the bores several times with solvent, and then drift them several times with a CLOSE-fit (not tight-fit) brass rod....(AGAIN), a brass rod that does NOT fit the bores tightly.  

IF YOU DO REMOVE METAL, use a VERY FINE emory cloth and LIGHTLY sand the FIRING PINS...not the bores.  THEN, lubricate the pin bores with DRY molybdenum disulfide powder....powder.  


Cat Brules

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The TTN firing pin is not a very heavily engineered piece - pretty simple.  

I would imagine your pins rusted a little (or are heavily fouled) and need to be cleaned, polished and oiled until they move with light finger pressure.


Clean cap and pin well, make sure spring is not collapsed or jammed, oil well and try pushing the pin and spring without the cap covering it.  It should protrude through the breech face about the thickness of a nickle when fully pushed by hand with a punch.  If it will not emerge from the breech face, examine the FP tip's hole and the FP's bore hole for debris or burrs.  Burrs at the breech face can be smoothed out with an appropriate size drill bit held in a "pin vise" handle and hand turned carefully.


Won't be long before you spot the problem.  


Some double shotguns peen the firing pin tip so it enlarges and does not fit through the breech face hole.   Stoegers are notorious.   TTN's are not, but it could be you got non-heat treated FPs.   


Anyway, I'll second the part about polishing the FP and not the receiver bore unless you are SURE that the bore has rusted up and really needs to be returned to the original inside diameter.    That is, work on the cheap part, not the irreplaceable part.


Good luck, GJ

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and had to drive them out.


??   Hardly a symptom of loose mainspring retaining screws....

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Be careful, go slow and look at everything closely.


Please be sure to keep us updated here in this topic.



Cat Brules

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So far I removed the firing pins (had to drive them out) then checked them up in a drill and sanded them. I reinstalled them and still no change. I can't see a defect visually. 

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3 hours ago, Texas ShaDi said:

I can't see a defect visually. 


Lots of times a problem can be felt even if it can't be seen. 


Steve's Gunz (Nate Kiowa Jones on here) knows his way around a TTN shotgun real well.  Might have him take a look.




Call him and see if he has time to look at it.


Good luck, GJ


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