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Posting Photos??

Jackaroo, # 29989

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It seems that SASS has changed it's photo posting options to come from only a URL, or am I missing something.

Previously you could click on "Insert Image" and you'd be given an option of where to source the photo, Eg your photo album in your phone.

This doesn't seem the case any longer, any advice welcome.


Click on:

"Click to choose files"

and you should get the following options:



OOPs I must have missed the left hand side,senior brain fart.:(


Oh no, but from my phone it's not offering the choose files option

only the insert other media.


I have found on this forum, 360 pixels wide gives a comfortable size image without dominating the screen.
Those using Photoshop or similar, can "save for web" at 72 dots per inch and a width of 360 pixels.

This is an example of 360 pixels wide, 72dpi.



I have been trying to learn how to post pics for well over a year; even went to the Apple store and that didn’t help. After reading this foreign language, I now understand I should give up. Pixels... 72 Dot’s... WOW!  Too much for an old brain. I can’t be the only one, can I?


It took me a long time to get it - for some

reason my pictures on my phone were “too large” for the wire but I didn’t know what to do! Now, it works... in the typing area/text box I see a paper clip with Click to Choose Files and a gray box that says Insert Other Media. On my iPhone, I click to choose files and it takes me to my pictures. Don’t know if I’ve helped... hope so!

Big hugs to you @Jackaroo, # 29989 and @Kathouse Kelli!




It took me a long time to get it - for some

reason my pictures on my phone were “too large” for the wire but I didn’t know what to do! Now, it works... in the typing area/text box I see a paper clip with Click to Choose Files and a gray box that says Insert Other Media. On my iPhone, I click to choose files and it takes me to my pictures. Don’t know if I’ve helped... hope so!

Big hugs to you @Jackaroo, # 29989 and @Kathouse Kelli!



I also have to "edit" my photos before I download them otherwise they'll come on the wire sideways. It doesn't matter what I do to edit them, colr, brightness etc. as long as I edit them.


BTW Scarlett, I just got a bullet order from you! They're great , I've loaded a few to check 'em out! ;)


Don't give up.
Anybody who can shoot CAS stages and reload can certainly manage a photo upload.
It takes much less practice than reloading, and is far easier to remember than all the SASS rules.

Phones shoot at 72 dots per inch (as far as I know... don't own a phone), so that is covered.
I shoot with a big Nikon at high resolution and large image sizes, so I have to scale it back.

Those wanting to post to Facebook should use 72dpi, 720, 960 or 1024 pixels wide images.
Always a JPG, preferable a JPG saved with the "web" color palette.
This is the "Save for Web" option in Photoshop and other editing software.
Using these settings will get you the best image quality, because FB won't monkey with the images.


Looking at the space in which I am presently writing to respond to this thread, there is a paper clip in the lower left corner next to the link, “Click to choose files”.  So I could post a photo in this response.


But that option does not show up in Personal Messages.  My PM response box  only provides the “Insert image from URL” option.  


Is that the case for everyone else too?


Looking at the space in which I am presently writing to respond to this thread, there is a paper clip in the lower left corner next to the link, “Click to choose files”.  So I could post a photo in this response.


But that option does not show up in Personal Messages.  My PM response box  only provides the “Insert image from URL” option.  


Is that the case for everyone else too?


That's the only option that I see in the PM's


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