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Holy crap, it's cold

Three Foot Johnson

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There was an "official weather reporting station" north of Havre early this morning that recorded an uncorrected, no wind chill temperature of 30 below zero at 1:00 am. Now, the only thing north of Havre is Canada about 30 miles away, so maybe the little one-horse border crossing station at Willow Creek...?

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I guess that’s winter in Montana, even if it’s still Fall.  Temperatures here in Central Florida have plunged too.  64 degrees right now (6 am) with an expected high of only 85.  If this keeps up I may have to roll down my sleeves.

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7 hours ago, Three Foot Johnson said:

of 30 below zero at 1:00 am.

Brrr. It got 30 here last night and that wants to shut everything down.

I worked in NODAK once and when it was 30 below. I called home where it was 70.

I thunked, "Wow! that's a hundred degree difference."

When I got snowed in my apartment for 2 days, I said, "That's it! This South Texas boy is going home!"

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30 degrees right now dropping to 27 during the day, only 30 high tomorrow but Thursday we're back up in the 40's!!

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Was in the mid 70's Sunday, it's 7 right now with wind chill below zero. Don't worry, back to 60's in 2 days. 

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9 hours ago, Three Foot Johnson said:

There was an "official weather reporting station" north of Havre early this morning that recorded an uncorrected, no wind chill temperature of 30 below zero at 1:00 am. Now, the only thing north of Havre is Canada about 30 miles away, so maybe the little one-horse border crossing station at Willow Creek...?


I’m sorry you’re cold Pard, but I remember the photos you posted of your reloading room—please don’t start any fires!



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Howdy All ;

Just North of Montana In Cow Country Alberta CANADA it was 34 Degrees F on the plus side last night at 1:30 AM ... and it's Plus 40 F out right now ...


Jabez Cowboy

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1 minute ago, Warden Callaway said:

Just found out we set a new record for snowfall yesterday.  .4" was the old record.  1.1" yesterday for new record. :(

Trade ya ………. We got 6" yesterday.

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We have had 5 and a Half Feet of Snow so far since Sept 2019 ...  But we only have about 3 inches remaining ....


Jabez Cowboy

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Had 7 degrees this morning. Opening day rifle season will be a blistering 10 or less in the valley here!

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We have about 8 inches here and it's staying.

Wind caused some drifting at the side of our place and my son had to knock some of the drift down so the snow-blower could clear and throw it rather than tunnel into the drift.

On the plus side, we ain't seeing many mosquitoes or Black Flies!!

Visit Canada.jpg

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Ain't funny getting snowed in.

It happened to us, a couple of times, at our year round cottage in Quebec.

Massive snow dumps close the highways for the day and the side roads got plowed.......later.

Sometimes much later.

Like after the local politicians places were plowed out.

We would had to call in, from a nearby farm, with a phone line, and report to our offices that we were snow bound.Banane01.gif

But we had our Ski-Doos, lots of food, wood, coal, stove oil, propane and rum, so it was all good.

We ran our lights, frig and stove on propane, due to lack of hydro* into our area.


* That's what Canadians call electric power.

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On 11/11/2019 at 10:37 PM, Three Foot Johnson said:

There was an "official weather reporting station" north of Havre early this morning that recorded an uncorrected, no wind chill temperature of 30 below zero at 1:00 am. Now, the only thing north of Havre is Canada about 30 miles away, so maybe the little one-horse border crossing station at Willow Creek...?

I remember Havre , I was living there in 1974 when they had the reported low for the nation at -42. I don't remember exactly the month ,probably Jan. or Feb.

Oddly enough , a few years later , in Feb of 1979 , here in Vernal we had the reported low in the nation one day , it was also -42.

Rex :D

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