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...the most common cause of day drinking.


Alternatively, I feel I've been assigned to change out any blown light bulbs...on the Titanic...after it hit the iceberg.  


It's one of those days.

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I feel your pain.  I've had a couple of weeks like that........  Hopefully it will be over soon, for all of our sakes.

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Couple of hours of therapy riding the mower, and the 4 wheeler, a quiet supper with a couple of Dos Equis, and I'm better.  A three day weekend starting tomorrow helps too.  

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I could step up on a peach crate and expound at length on small minded bosses who have themselves confused with someone important, those short sighted souls whose goal in life is to create makework for everyone in sight.

I could step up on a peach crate and do that, but it would be boring reading, for something tells me you could preach the same sermon!

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1 hour ago, Linn Keller, SASS 27332, BOLD 103 said:

I could step up on a peach crate and expound at length on small minded bosses who have themselves confused with someone important, those short sighted souls whose goal in life is to create makework for everyone in sight.

I could step up on a peach crate and do that, but it would be boring reading, for something tells me you could preach the same sermon!




Got into an email p***ing match with my boss’, boss’ boss yesterday. What a clueless Maroon! He wanted to know why supervisors spend so much time at their desks and not enough time in the floor. I told him it was because of all the time they need to spend doing computer work to satisfy all the systems that were put into place to make the job easier...on the idiots that created the computer based systems. He didn’t want to hear that. SO I TOLD HIM AGAIN but much more forcefully. When a supervisor spends 5 hours out of every 8 working on a computer so this (bleeping) idiot can do his reports so he can get a great raise there is a problem. He and his cohorts are the problem!


Okay...I feel better now.



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