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Blue Angels Oops

Subdeacon Joe

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SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Late Tuesday afternoon, while conducting a photo op flyover near downtown San Francisco, Blue Angel #1—“Boss”— mistakenly called “chemtrails on” instead of his usual “smoke on” call.



Long thought to exist only in the domain of crackpot conspiracy theories like Bigfoot, the flat earth, or NFOs having equally hot wives as pilots, chemtrails have now been scientifically proven to sway political opinion.  “Sure, I’ve known for years,” drawled one pilot, who spoke with us after we offered him a can of Copenhagen.  “They’re chemtrails, alright,” he continued, “what’d you think they were, water vapor or something?”


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We joke, we laugh, but...






In goofing off...uhhh...I mean, doing research on “conspiracies” I found a website run by the CIA. They track what people say about them. This link is a sample of that:






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Oh great...now I’ll be on that website. Great! Just Great! <_<


Hey, maybe they’ll also associate links to the following so we can find out what they know...

- Who really killed Elvis?

- What is really in those chem trails and can they sway the vote?

- Who really Shot JR?

- Is Bigfoot actually aliens visitors with un-Wookiee like bad attitudes?

- Is Congress actually made up of aliens or are they bureaucrats from the future? On that note...


Remind you of anyone?




From the movie “12 Monkeys”



Hey CIA!...:P

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