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WTC Texas Stars and Dump Targets

irish ike, SASS #43615

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Pistol, Rifle, shotgun order. A 5 paddle Texas star for pistols with its own dump target, a 5 paddle Texas star with its own dump target for the rifle. Shotgun is a flat steel swinger plate. Pistols and rifle loaded with 10 rounds

Shoot the 5 paddles off the star any remaining rounds go on dump target. Any paddles left are misses, any misses on the dump target are misses. Same for pistols and rifles, 2 rounds on the shotgun swinger

 Shooter shoots 5 paddles off with pistols puts 5 on the pistol dump target. Rifle, he shoots 5 paddles off and then puts the remaining 5 rounds on the shotgun swinger. Shotgun 2 rounds on shotgun swinger.

Whats the call for 5 rifle rounds to have been shot on the rifle dump target but shot on the shotgun swinger, no misses?


3 minutes ago, Tyrel Cody said:

5 misses for shooting the wrong kind of target.


1 minute ago, two dot said:

5 misses. See the miss flow chart. 


1 minute ago, Rance - SASS # 54090 said:

5 misses to my thinkin 

He missed the designated rifle dump target 5 times..


Rance ;)

Just sayin..:huh:

Ding, ding, ding!  3 for 3!!!




Misses are 5-Second penalties.  Revolver, rifle, and shotgun targets must be engaged with the appropriate type of firearm.  

A MISS is defined as the failure to hit the appropriate target type using the appropriate type of firearm and includes:



- Each target hit with an incorrect firearm – either intentionally or by mistake.


SHB p.22


Thanks for this. I was the score keeper/TG. And was overruled by the spotters and the TO. 5 misses is what I said. I'll 'educate' everyone at next weeks shoot.





How could it be anything but 5 misses? He never hit the target!

1 hour ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

Monthly match and shooters were not wanting to be hard asses. I asked the question knowing the answer. Next Sunday I’ll school the group.


Monthly matches are the best place for shooters (and T/Os) to learn and practice proper application of the rules.
Doing so has nothing to do with being a "hard ass"...why not "school" them at the time it happened??


7 hours ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

I think I'm going to cry...


Could we get a Video?


I like to keep a copy of the SHB close by. Also maybe a hard copy for the range would help.

6 hours ago, PaleWolf Brunelle, #2495L said:


Monthly matches are the best place for shooters (and T/Os) to learn and practice proper application of the rules.
Doing so has nothing to do with being a "hard ass"...why not "school" them at the time it happened??


Amen brother!

Blackfoot :FlagAm:

11 hours ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

Monthly match and shooters were not wanting to be hard asses. I asked the question knowing the answer. Next Sunday I’ll school the group.



But whether there were 4 shooters at your match..

or 50 shooters at the match..

They all just got penalized 25 seconds.. :mellow:

Except the shooter.. The Shooter didn't  :rolleyes:

School'em at the time it happens..


Rance ;)

Just sayin.. :huh:


Another idea is to see if there is a RO instructor in your neck of the woods that could come and give a re-fresher RO class for the club. Enforcing the rules properly is not being a



just my $.02



So guys, I normally would have stopped the TO and spotters but they had made a decision and the next shooter was on the way up when I got wind of it. Late in the day and so I decided to wait. This way I can bring it up to the entire club at the next shoot instead of just a few at the line. I am 1000% behind following the rules and calling whats needed. But too late the incident to really do anything.



I carry a laminated card with the flow chart on it so we can easily end the argument...



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