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Colorado sheriff is willing to go to jail

T.J. Bones SASS# 75616

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Looks like he’s not the only one in Colorado that’s getting fed up with unconstitutional legislation being shoved down their throats!!



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Trouble is, these activist judges who can ruin a person for life for not obeying their "edicts". Throw them in jail or fine them indefinitely till they cave in. Eventually they will. So much for "rule of law", when a judge is basically a dictator, whose will must be obeyed "or else".

The second Civil War MAY be coming. Those who believe in the Constitution vs. those who don't.

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So it is ok for the sponsors of this bill to declare that a city can become a "sanctuary" for those who are clearly breaking the law (illegal immigrants, a significant problem here in Colorado) and the police cannot enforce laws previously written into statute...... but for law enforcement officials to say they will not enforce a law that stomps "innocent until proven guilty" into the dirt and seizure of private property without due process is "contempt of court" ?

Maybe our legislators need to actually read the Federal and State Constitutions as well as the myriad thousands of laws currently on the books BEFORE tearing apart the judicial system for their own purposes and FOLLOW the laws that have helped build the USA over the years.

Angrily :angry: :angry: :angry:


:FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

(probably headed for a timeout)

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