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Tinted Car Windows

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In my area, I'm noticing more and more cars with all glass (except windshield) tinted so dark that it's literally impossible to see anything or anyone inside, even on a bright sunny day. Given the increasing violent outcomes of traffic stops, I sure wouldn't want to be an LEO approaching a vehicle like that. Didn't there used to be regs regarding the degree of darkness? 

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Here in California, it once was the tint could not cover the windshield or the front door windows.

But the law was changed or is not enforced like no cell phone use while driving, loud music that can be heard at 25 feet use to gt you a ticket.



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State by state.    I tint rear windows on my crew cab so you can not see what I carry in back but front windows clear    GW      Understand LEO concern

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I have worked with people that had Limo tint on all windows except the windshield. These same dingbats would complain that they got pulled over and the officers would be all defensive and one of the guys filed a complaint against the officers because they drew their guns because he “didn’t roll my windows down because it was hot outside.” Then they complained that they got tickets for the tint and had to get it removed.


I think that the occupants in any car not in a state that has legalized limo tint, like Arizona, should be treated as if they were a danger to police officers until officers can determine that they are safe.

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Tinted windows at night. There was a trick to that. The squad car would turn off all lights facing the tinted vehicle. The officer would then use his PA horn and order the driver to turn on the interior dome light. It had the reverse effect. An approaching officer could see the interior clearly, but the occupants could not see him.

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I did some horse trading one time, and got a mid 90s Ford F150 single cab that had EXTREMELY dark tinting on the windows. Didn't like it right off the bat. I could not see anything behind me or to the sides, the second day I had it, I backed out of my driveway missing it and ran into the ditch getting the truck stuck. All the tinting was removed by the end of the day.

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One day I walked up to  a car with very dark tint windows.

Suddenly the window rolled down....

Walter Payton.

I must have looked shocked, he started laughing.

Our paths crossed a few times back in the day.

The world needs a few billion more like him.



and yes the car was a Ferrari....


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Tint on the front row is still illegal here.  The law used to be tint light enough to see what the occupant is doing from 60' on an overcast day.  Now there is a scientific measurement with a device that looks like the old radar guns.  


There was a state program where the local PD could rent the measuring gun for X days.  The police said the gun wasn't that expensive but maintaing the gun and certifications was.  The local PD rented it for the maximum number if days.  One officer made it his mission to ticket every car in town and take pictures.  He would use the pictures to continue ticketing the cars after the measuring gun was returned.    

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Driver's side windows and windshield can only be lightly tinted here.

You can have a dark strip at the top of the windshield.

Windows behind the driver and rear window you can go as dark as you want.



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Dark tinting is illegal in WA but it is almost never enforced. Same with those super-bright blue headlights. One thing I have observed is that virtually every idiot driver I come across has tinted windows, as if they know they're a bad driver and they don't want people to be able to glare at them.

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4 hours ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:

Dark tinting is illegal in WA but it is almost never enforced. Same with those super-bright blue headlights. One thing I have observed is that virtually every idiot driver I come across has tinted windows, as if they know they're a bad driver and they don't want people to be able to glare at them.

When I bought my new Ford Flex last January, I noticed that oncoming headlights seemed very bright.  Tried to find window glass that would cut the glare, but, aside from the strip at the top, no such critter!  I think a lot of the headlights nowadays are brighter than they used to be. And, no, it isn't my eyes. Others with great eyesight have noticed the same thing.  Someone suggested I have a light tint on the windshield, but couldn't find any outfit that would do it.  I am learning to live with it, primarily by staying in the right lane, and looking somewhat away, especially approaching a car in a left turn lane ahead of me.

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9 minutes ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:

Many new cars come with H.I.D. (High Intensity Discharge) headlamps, and yes they're extremely bright. Double your fun when they're mounted in a lifted full-sized pickup or SUV.

They are LED type-uses far less 'juice' and last forever.

My wife's:wub:2019 Subaru Outback has them, and they are super bright.


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On headlights, close left eye as the offender gets real close.

And there are glare cutting eyeglasses.

And fold down shields that I have never tried.




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