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WTS Stevens Upland Sporter 411 (Baikal) 12 gauge shotgun

Wild Walt. 92206

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I have a very nice Stevens Upland Sporter 12 gauge shotgun for sale.

It is just the Stevens version of the Baikal coach gun, and it is a little fancier with the wood and engraving.

I have heard that it is considered more durable than the Stoeger guns, but that just depends on who you talk to.

This one has the single trigger, and has been fully worked over by Johnny Meadows.  I purchased it new from him a couple of years ago.  I probably have 200 rounds through it.   The single trigger works great. I purchased it with the intent of not shooting a 1897 any more, but still shoot the 1897.

The LOP is 13.25 inches, and the barrels are 21 inches.

The wood is nice, but it does have some cart dings on it.

I am looking at $635 shipped to your FFL as long as they will accept shipping from a private seller.








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