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SOLD! 1866 Yellowboy - .38 :)

Misty Moonshine

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Hi everyone,


This is a sweetheart of a rifle that has never let me down. Not alot of rounds put through her because I usually dont get to shoot quite as much as I'd like to! Even so, the rifle does have a few nicks here and there from the occasional rough discard during a shooting stage!  

I purchased the rifle new from Cimarron F.A.C. about 4 years ago and she has served me very well. The only reason I am looking to sell it is to offset the cost of moving to a '73.

The rifle went immediately upon purchase to Shotgun Boogie for action work- so, it is also "Boogie-fied"... and everyone and anyone who has ever cycled it or shot it (I share my guns with folks from time to time as we all do!) has "oooh-d and aaawed" over the action on it. 

I'm asking $1000 OBO. 


Pictures posted below. If I can answer any questions, let me know. 


Misty Moonshine









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