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APP is grey

Coyote Kincaid

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I've got a question. I purchased 5 bottles of APP 3F to replenish my stock. I opened a new bottle tonight and the powder is grey. I opened a second bottle and it too is grey. Everything that I've used from APP has been black, Jim Shockey 2F and 3F, APP 2F and 3F up until this bottle. Has it been contaminated? Is it safe or should I contact APP and send it back?

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Quite possibly "New Old Stock."  Latest formulation of APP I have seen in my three cases has been either a really really dark grey approaching Black or ... Black.  Light grey APP may carry a bit more dust than the latest stuff, and run a bit dirtier in your progressive, but will shoot just fine.  No Biggie.

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I haven't bought APP in several years, but it was all gray back then. I've been using up several cases of Goex Pinnacle I bought rather inexpensively when it was discontinued, and now Alliant Black MZ. Pinnacle and BMZ are black, but all three have the same patent number on the label, so...

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C K , I used some APP in years past , it was all grey back then. That was about 12-14 years ago. Haven't bought any in over 10 years , so have no idea when color changed.

Just FYI. Rex :D


Har , J Bar Binks had the answer while I was pecking out the same message. 

Slow Rex :lol:

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I ruined two Lee 1000 progressive presses using the "old" or first generation APP from all the dust it created.  I would clean the ram after every loading session with it, but the dust was like sand paper and the ram eventually wouldn't move or would move using a lot of force ....


I only load real black on my Dillon 650.  If I do use APP, it is hand dipped into prepped cases ....  I have not tried the newer APP due to my past experiences with it.

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