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J.M.BROWN [ North Carolina ]

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 FYI...Just wanted to let his Pards know that we Aussies enjoyed his company last w'end at the Gold Coast Gamblers Heartland  4 day  shoot  in the state of Queensland with 118 in attendance

J  M was the first  'Yank  to come to this shoot but hopefully not the last. Rootin Tootin was here about 4 years ago for a monthly meet.

J M is now off to Western Australia with K C Woody who travels to the USA often.


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Thank you for the update. J.M. Brown is a good friend and local Cowboy that we shoot with 2-3 times each month. He is a good cowboy shooter, RO instructor, TG and SASS Regulator. He has won many, many awards and is an excellent ambassador of cowboy action shooting and the Single Action Shooting Society. I know he is enjoying his time with the Australian cowboys. Take good care of him.  Oh, and he loves Dairy Queen if you have that in Australia. 


Ms. Jewel posting under Sandhills Slim 

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Durn.  The boy gets around, don't he?

JM, don't be poking any snakes down there -- theirs are meaner than ours.

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Chin wagged with J M quite a bit, nice guy, good shooter [ but he did miss his '97 ]..we hope to catch up again in '020  when we hopefully visit  again.......  especially the TN State shoot.

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