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Mares Leg question

Trigger Mike

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Since the Mares Leg is a pistol, and sometimes the ATF would declare that it was illegal to fire a pistol AR-15 from the shoulder, did the Mares Leg have the same problem of being illegal to fire from the shoulder?

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I have often wondered this. Since the ATF keeps reversing its positions on the AR brace on an AR pistol and whether or not the user can shoulder it I think their current answer of whatever it is applies to the Mare's Leg as well as IMO it falls under the same definition when applied to the shooters behavior vs design intent.


And yes this is a grey area. I think the ATF wants it that way although as far as I know the last opinion letter on the brace and the shouldering issue does say shouldering IS legal and a behavior cannot change a design intent.


But I ain't no lawyer. And I ain't the ATF.


However, and this is simply my opinion, the Mare's Leg is a cowboy looking gun and not a scary evil black rifle so PROBABLY no one is going to wet their pants and cause a stink about you shouldering a short lever action. I would not however shoulder it at a public range whilst being videoed by random numbnuts and not in front of guys wearing BATFE jackets. Just in case...

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35 minutes ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

I would think shouldering a Mare's Leg would be quite awkward for a grownup.

At the very least. Unless one was of the proportions of a Bilbo Baggins type.

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