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Justice Lily Kate in surgery 4-30-18

Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Get well soon Kate. I’ll see you at EOT.

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If she had surgery this morning, the doctors will have her up and about pretty soon. All I can say is get back as soon as you can and listen to your physical therapist. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

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remembered in mine , im always sad to hear of these and right at the beginning of the season too , im going to assume the prayers will be heard and she will soon be rejoining the shooters she possies with , 

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Guest Texas jack Black SASS#9362

Best wishes and follow your PT I had my back done in 2016 and both hips in  2017  I am now ready for the 2018 season and feel great. I was up the same day and back driving in 3 weeks .It takes about a year to fully recover but I shot a match after 3 months and felt fine ,just sore.

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:ph34r:  Adding JLK to our (growing) list for prayers.  She showed us the real Cowboy/girl way at our first EOT.  First day, first stage, her second rifle shot went over the berm and she realized it was a MDQ.  She very philosophically accepted the fact and put up her guns.  THEN she proceeded to cheerfully manage the loading table for the rest of the match. 

Best wishes for full, speedy and painless as possible recovery. 


Bad and Goode Bascomb

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