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Come ON, Susan Lucci...

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... Good grief, it's 33 and snowing... AGAIN. The temp is supposed to rise 10 degrees in the next 3 hours, continue to warm up all week, then by Friday it's supposed to be between 75 and 80. :mellow:

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It was 30 degrees and snowing all day Saturday at home in Monument, CO. Got on a plane first thing Sunday morning to come here to Scottsdale. Got off the plane in PHX and it was 98.


Can’t wait to get home.

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   Anything over 75-80 is a waste of heat, I know why SB dress's like Mongo.....cut up pants and shirt....it's HOT in Nevada. I can always put on a heavier shirt. A person can only take off so much before they get arrested or laughed at ....sometimes both. :lol: :huh:

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