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Cancelling credit cards/ changing companies


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I'm cancelling Citibank and Bank of America credit cards. I don't have anything else through them.  I know this won't even make the beginnings of a drop in their bucket, but I'll let them know why. They've decided that they can legislate through the marketplace and decide 2nd Amendment issues by stifling trade with gun manufacturers and gun stores that don't do business "their way", or selling some perfectly legal product that someone in the corporate office doesn't like. According to Citibank and Bank America a member of our military shouldn't be allowed to go into a gun store and buy a SINGLE SHOT rifle if he's under 21. A married member of the voting public can't go into a store and purchase legal consumer goods because the bank says so. At least, I don't have to support them with my pittance.

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Dropped both of them YEARs ago.  Went with USAA.  IF you qualify great company.

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2 hours ago, Colonel Lou said:

Dropped both of them YEARs ago.  Went with USAA.  IF you qualify great company.


Same here

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